Wednesday April 2, 2003

~ Your tongue is a deadly weapon… ~

   If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

— James 1:26-27 (NIV) —

You have to Talk the talk, and Walk the walk. First, your speaking. Does it honor God? When you speak, your words have the power to heal, rebuke, and guide. They also have the power to wound, belittle, and destroy. It is always easier to break something than it is to fix it… That’s what I think James means by speaking of “keep a tight rein on his tongue” If you cannot control your tongue, no one can accept your perspective, “religion”, as true and honorable … instead, in the eyes of your peers, your perspective becomes worthless … no matter who or what you believe in … regardless of whether this belief is true or not … James ends by talking about what a true “religion” (read: perspective) should do in your life. It’s actions are listed… raising up the helpless and poor, and keeping yourself from worldly things.

Thanks for the nice study, Lord. Forgive me for all those times where I’ve failed. Keep me in Your ways. One day at a time… My sister, blaq is considering baptism. Bring her close to You. Make sure she knows what the act of baptism means and what she is doing. Let her consider carefully before acknowledging before God and men, Who is Lord in her life… If this is Your time, Your choosing, Your will, let it be so. I ask all this in our Savior’s name, Jesus. Amen.

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7 Responses to Wednesday April 2, 2003

  1. Vegito4 says:

    It is easier to commit sin, than it is to be virtuous… ie: it is easier to hurt others than to heal them. The easiest path is always through sin. It is sad that people live this way… Constantly blaming other for their failure.

  2. ChaSeiwBow says:

    Why do our tongues bite like fire? It’s hard sometimes, and we ask for grace. We continue to pray for words that uplift and discard the words that break down. Amen

  3. winstony says:

    hey, i don’t think i can make it through your disclaimer without crossing my eyes so im not going try.  keep on truckin’

  4. Doood… I don’t know who you are, but thanks for your encouragments & insights on my blog.  I really appreciate it.  It’s amazing how the body of Christ moves like a spider web… we are all affected by each other whether we are thousands of miles away & have never met each other.  God can work through even Xanga to bring people together. haha. Thanks!

  5. Vegito4 says:

    “If the easiest way is to sin, why fight it? Why choose to be good, when it seems to be an uphill battle?” There are some of us that wishes challenge this and walk the difficult path. The easy way might be the way that at most people choose, but it isn’t always the correct method.

    “It seems like a losing fight… why choose to be virtuous when there doesn’t seem to be any reason to be virtuous? If you choose to be good and have no driving force behind it, you are paying a heavy price for being good…. and what is your reward?” The reward is the peaceful and joyful feeling within us… either on earth or in heaven. If we commit sins, some of us are bothered by our conscious. There are some that don’t see what they do is a sin and they block it out of their system. May god help them!

    Sometime I think that people give up their heart too easily, just to fit into this so call society.  Sometime we accept things so that we are not bothered by it… Sad isn’t it? This is how society is.

  6. emantan says:

    hey hon… good words, makes me think. thanks for dropping a comment.

  7. fantasyme says:

    eprops, u Jew? dun leave comment without epropin… -___- that’s called pure ignorant.

    sorrie i am in the bad mood -___-

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