Monday December 22, 2003

20 Questions – Messiah Style

01) Who was the most recent person you shared Jesus with?

Melissa. That was months ago.

02) When was the last time you read the WORD?
(bonus: not including Sundays?)

Saturday while writing Christmas/Holiday cards.
Before that… a couple of months.

03) When did you last go to church?
(bonus: What was the sermon about?)

Yesterday. Birth of Jesus. The idea of GOD becoming a little baby.

04) What spiritual gift(s) has God given to you?
(bonus: How do you use them?)

Encouragement, (not sure) Teaching

hmm, I kick friends in the butt and the good ones kick back. 🙂

05) If Jesus was scheduled to come back tomorrow, what would you do today?

Talk to my friends about Him.

06) What is your worst temptation?
(bonus: How do you defeat it?)

Bible reading and prayer… the problem is I don’t choose to use it all the time. Like having a weapon and

not using it, spiritual armor and sword getting all rusty.

07) When was the last time you had quality time solely devoted to God whether in prayer, meditation upon

the WORD, or praise?

Been awhile…

08) What was the last verse/passage you memorized/meditated upon?
(bonus: Write it from memory!)

1 Corinthians 13

Uh… not happening… >_<

09) If you had only 1 word to describe the Gospel, what would you use?
(bonus: Share the Gospel in 3 grammatically correct sentences…)


Sin seperates us from God and leads to death.
God loved us and sent Jesus to die in our place.
Jesus paid the price for our sins so we would no longer need to be seperated from God nor worry about


10) What aspect/quality of GOD makes the most impact on you?
(bonus: Why?)

Love, out of all the things a human needs, this one tops the list.

11) What have you done lately for GOD?

… Lots of good stuff, but none I can claim that does not benefit me as well…

12) If you inherited 1 million dollars (after taxes), what would you do with it?
(bonus: What would Jesus have done with it?)

Build a house, get a better job, find a charity (probably in that order too…)

Donate it all to the poor…

13) Who is your favorite character in the Bible?
(bonus: Why did you pick him/her?)

Samson, because I feel that he is close to me in many ways… struggles, weaknesses, goals, & direction.

14) If a single day in your life was to be recorded and played back to all your family and friends, what would you do differently?

Live my life as if everything I did was publicly scrutinized… (STOP SINNING! GAH!)

15) When someone says Godly, what is the first thing to come to mind?


16) If God asked you for a list of attributes in order to find your future spouse, what would you list?
(bonus: List in order of importance from greater to lesser.)

Knows You
Knows how to forgive
Loves like You do (a.k.a. Kicks my butt when necessary)
Has serious communication skills (Word Akido!)
Knows what the words, “Till Death do us part” means…
Sense of humor
Independent (I’m not talking about the mindset.)
Knows herself
Smart (Don’t mix this up with intelligent!)

No wonder my friends call me PICKY! 😛

17) When was the last time you: a) asked God for forgiveness? b) thanked God for something? c) asked God to intervene in someone’s life? d) questioned God about His Will?

a) 1 month ago?
b) Saturday.
c) Saturday.
d) too long ago… can’t remember.

18) When did you last find a difference between how you lived and what you believed?
(bonus: What did you do about it?)

All thinking and no action… I know it’s wrong, but that doesn’t keep me from doing it.

19) Make a list of your current goals, concerns, and plans. How many of these will endure and how many will pass away?

Memories/Experience – Skydiving
Character – Work hard.
Character – Be a good friend.
Character – Be a good son/brother.
Character – Read my Bible 3 times per week.
Character – Explore who I am and who I want to be.
Outreach – Finish the rest of my Christmas cards.
Outreach – Find a contributing role at my new church.
Both – Set a good example for fellow Christians.
Both – Find a good fellowship to attend regularly.
Character – Help out around the house.

Material Things – Bedroom makeover
Material Things – Need a motor vehicle that doesn’t give back massages when accelerating.

20) What do you want people to remember about you after you’ve gone to meet your Maker?
(bonus: What have you done towards this legacy?)

That when they think of me, they are reminded of God.

Talking about God with my friends; Talking to parents about Jesus; posting up my thoughts about Jesus,

religion, life, and logic and how they all link together; listening to christian music; “God Bless you!”;

-= Female Equality Thought of the Day =-

For all those men who say,  “…why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?”.
Here’s an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage.

Why? Because women realize it’s not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

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