Friday September 12, 2003

I’ve been so out of the loop… Need to face the music. :-/

MIA time in review:

Finally got my car fixed up, it’s not good as before, but the brakes and gas work so I don’t really have much to complain about… just don’t want to go long distances with it…

Haven’t cracked open my bible in like… A month in a half? Haven’t been to church on a regular basis since my car accident… Haven’t prayed (I’m not talking about grace before meals…) since…….. >_<
Spiritual growth is at a stand-still… like that fig tree that Jesus caused to wither… gotta get back on track, find a local church and do QT…

It is truly one thing to know the truth… and quite another to live it out. I know the truth, and convictions a plenty… but making my life, match up to the truth is a whole other story.

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4 Responses to Friday September 12, 2003

  1. briethe says:

    hey! glad to see you’re back! i know what you mean about knowing the truth and doing it. we all struggle with that.

  2. kewlpuff says:

    hey bro =)  it’s been awhile there….  for you AND me =)  but the Lord is o so good =)  i’m almost done w/ my bible!!  just 2 more weeks =)  really excited.  i hope you get to pick it up soon too =)  God bless and talk soon!!! <3

  3. Wow.. it sounds like we’ve almost been on the same page for a while. I’ll be praying for you and your walk… It’s awesome to know that even when we seemingly turn our backs, when we run to Him again, His arms have been outstretched the entire time..

  4. twinstar79 says:

    hey, how are you? you doing okay these days?

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