Wednesday January 7, 2004

Getting dressed…

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkeness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourseves with the LORD Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

— Romans 13:12-14 (NIV) —

This post was inspired by a conversation I was having with a friend. We were talking about how if you weren’t dressed properly for an event, you almost felt naked somehow. It was like clothes act like armor or gives you a certain mindset. This was because I dressed up a bit more than she did when we went to go hang out. This was churning around in my brain for a bit and hence… Xanga post!

Yea, you and I both, know what the man’s talking about. Talk off all the sin in your life so you can put on the “armor of light” So sin takes power from you, you can have both sin as well as the armor of light on at the same time… so PICK ONE! ^.^

Act like you would in the daytime. This is when there is no shadows, no darkness, nothing to hide your deeds from the bright sunlight. Think of a time when there will be no more secrets, no more lies, nothing but truth and every word, every deed will be shown to all. This being said, avoid the bad stuff: orgies, drunkeness, debauchery, dissension and jealousy.

Instead of all the crazy bad stuff, put on the good stuff. Bring on the JESUS, baby! Instead of thinking about all the stuff you desire, think instead of God, love, faith, joy, hope… “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” (Phil 4:8)


When you get dressed in the morning, make sure to put on your SUNDAY clothes! Jesus sees you every day of the week. May God bless you through His WORD!

== Prayers ==

Father, it’s been a long while since we’ve talked last. Thanks for hanging around and always being there to answer the door when I knock. Help me to follow You better, my Lord. To be a good and faithful servant of all I know to be good and right in this world where nothing is what it seems & up seems down. I want to be single, Lord, but there are plenty of pitfalls, I’m not sure if this is to test what I know to be true, or if you are willing me in another direction. Father, show me Your will. I know you wish me no harm, help me from misstepping. Place my feet upon Your path. I have some people I would like to pray for today. FC is stressed and is having some health concerns right now, I pray that you will soothe her and give her Your peace. May she come to know You better during her times of trouble as a source of strength. LC is trying to do well in school. May she glorify You through her grades and not be distracted from the important tasks at hand by all the things happening around her. I pray that You will keep her centered on you and on the straight and narrow path. AB is comming to very important family decisions. I pray that You will give him insight and wisdom for the days ahead. D, recently asked me why I believe in You. I pray that those plain words I spoke represented You well. I was truly unprepared for that question, even though I seem to ask others often enough. Help me be better prepared to talk about You with my friends and family. I pray all this in the name of our Shephard, Jesus. Amen.

== Misc ==

ha256’s Recipes, reviews, surveys and online test results

Got Prayer requests? Drop’em here! ^_^

Ingredients of my mother-recommended cold medicine:
Tea Leaves
Glycyrrhiza Glabra

Ilex Rotunda Thumb

Cleistocalyx Operculatus

Perilia Frutescens

Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae

Radix Scuteliarial

Herba Menthae

Herba Pogostemi

Herba Elshoitziae

Lithospermum Ofeicinale

Siler Divaricutum

Rheum Officinale Ballon

Mognolia Officinalis Rehd

Salvia Plebeia

Radix Bupleuri

Angelica Anonala Pail

Platycodon Grandiflorum

Artemisia Aplacea Hance

Elsholtzie Patrini Grache

Citrus Trifoliate

Citrus Chachiensis Hortrum

Conioselinumunivitatu Torcz


And yeah, it tastes just as bad as it smells… Gah! Robitussin don’t have NOTHING on this…

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4 Responses to Wednesday January 7, 2004

  1. juiru says:

    I love that verse.  I know a song that was written based on it… and the chorus goes:
    “You are the shield about me and Your name is my battle cry! (Jesus!)  You are my horn and my sword will shine in Your light.”

  2. juiru says:

    The song’s called “Militant Light” by John K Chan.  He was someone that used to go to my old church.  I don’t know where he is now, but I believe he’s either a minister or a pastor now.

  3. wow ur really awesome! drop me a line some time!

  4. FaeryKelly says:

    hahaha…. >_>  anyways, i’m back!  When you’re not busy with God’s business and your other works, give me a call and let’s hang out!  Paoly is back too, so we can all get together.  I also got you that souvenir >_> from the City of Sin  >_>

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