Wednesday June 30, 2004

I’m not home yet… Dad, can I come home yet?


I hate that what you see is not what you get. Whenever I meet someone good-looking the first thought that comes into my head is not, “oh… she looks good.” it is more like “pretty = superficial; will she take advantage of her looks?; will I let her take advantage of me?;why can’t I see her the way she really is on the inside?;Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised;I have 20/20 eyes and they can only see glimpses of real beauty.” I don’t want some pretty face. I enjoy beauty like anyone else, but I want the real deal. I’m looking for something beyond face paint, beyond painted fingernails and toes, perfectly done hair, cute outfits, and shoes to fit every occassion. This is just icing on the cake. If there’s no cake, what is the point of all this dang sugary frosting???

“Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known”

People asking me what worship is

How do you explain to someone what worship is? Not just singing… not just raising your hands to the sky… more than just gathering in one place in fellowship to affirm God’s goodness. Ever wanna just dance and sing… just because you can? Not because you look good or sound good doing it, but because something inside makes the joy bubble out? That joy needs to be expressed… if we repress it, aren’t we denying the crazy-nutty-love of God inside from getting out and showing the world how we feel about our Lord?

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”


I see all these movies… romantic movies, chick flicks, call them what you will. They make it seem like as soon as you find “THE ONE” eveything will work out fine and happily ever after. Part of my heart is so drawn to this. But after having gotten in a long and deep relationship (3 yrs for those number munchers…) I’m disappointed. The person that you spend so much time with, that you expect to know you so well that they can get under your skin, really doesn’t know you. We see but a shadow of the other person. Can I truly find the fulfilment of my life in another person? The cynic tells me this will happen when pigs fly, hell freezes over and monkeys type out all of shakespearean works. (Yes, the cynic is seriously bitter.) But when I think about it, God did say that He placed eternity into our hearts… I want that happily ever after. But I don’t that will happen here on earth. and unfortunately for all those movies, it won’t happen with your significant other… trying to do this will only set your self up for pain and disappointment. (But don’t take my word for it, feel free to learn it the hard way… I did. 😛 )

“He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

Feeling like a visitor/guest/outsider

You know that feeling you get when you go somewhere where you are not at home at all? You have to be on your toes and be careful you don’t do something stupid lest you will be deemed “impolite”? Yea… this happens at churches, small groups, parties, get-togethers. Makes me wanna be in my Father’s house all the more…


You know how when soldiers go to war, they are always sending letters home to their loved ones? All the death, carnage, disheartening situations, the food and the homesickness… Sometimes, I think that when God hears my prayer, I think he sees it like a soldier sending back letters from the front lines. “One of my friends died… another one is wounded, and the sermons really don’t do anything to me……” So yeah, send a letter home to the family once in awhile, dad would probably like to hear from you…

“I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”

showing people the way home

If I was home, there’d be no need to show people the way. I wouldn’t need to shine the light because we’d all be home already. We’d shine the light because that’s what we are LIGHT! No more lost people, just complete human beings as full God-given glorious creations. No more need to introduce people to God, cuz everyone would know the dad.

“I am the way and the truth and the life.”

– Death.

Thoughts? I’m a bit tired of Hosea. All the search for explanations and investigative work has me feelin a bit like a wrung out rag right now… I’ll probably explain those words and neural pathways in my head later.

Drop a note, say hi and leave some thoughts to nibble on if you would please~

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25 Responses to Wednesday June 30, 2004

  1. bleuciel82 says:

    Hello :lol:I’ll show you the photos in person.  Dont have time to be tinkering with computers and stuff. lol ..unless you want to scan them in for me =). J/K. 

  2. Thanks for the comment…what you said made sense. I guess what I want out of a relationship is for guys to like me for who I am inside. You said, “I’m not sure quite why, but maybe to me… it seems kinda weird to notice someone… but not like them.” Well..this one guy told me,”Sometimes we think girls are hott, but that doesn’t mean we like them.” I don’t get it, that’s really SHALLOW to me.

    My self-esteem shouldn’t, and for the most part, isn’t based upon what people think of me.’s nice to be liked, and nice to have people appreciate you, and I don’t feel that. I guess sometimes I just feel like there isn’t a guy out there who will appreciate me for who I am. Guys don’t seem to appreciate me for my inner beauty, and they don’t appreciate me for my outer beauty either. If they don’t appreciate my inner beauty though, I wouldn’t want them talking about how I look.

    Mostly what I want is a nice Christian guy friend who can help encourage me to do what’s right, and who I can encourage as well. I don’t know if I’ll ever find that. When I feel like I’ve found that, they start talking about how my friends look and it makes me think that all guys are shallow. Maybe it’s just this age..I don’t know. And most guys this age can’t just be friends with a girl, it has to be more..and that really bothers me.

    Okay, I’m not making sense now…sorry.
    God Bless,

  3. Gleefully says:

    I’m considering taking a break from the book of 2 Samuel myself ‘cos it’s getting depressing to read. Too many wars and bloodshed and evil…

    I hear ya.

  4. juiru says:

    just wanted to say hello!

  5. forgot what is was like to read your post. 🙂

  6. Wangnation says:

    what is your definition of “Home?”  ..’cause if “Home” is “where you come from and where you return to at the end of the day,” then as a Christian, your “Home” is God, who was, is and always will be with you.  you ARE Home when you’re in the Presence of our Almighty Father.

  7. stonejewel says:

    Is that: why we aren’t home yet? Mmm, can’t wait for heaven either!

  8. Vietbubble says:

    :wave:Hey, take it easy…

  9. marialee says:

    “If you want a sample, I could always kill a britney spears song or two…”  NAH THANKS…  I’LL PASS. 

    i recently heard that the song hotel california by the eagles if played backwards has a satanic message.  that freaked me so bad b/c i love that song & always sing to it when i hear it….  isn’t that crazy??!!??  people these daysss!!!  they have too much free time to do such stupid idiotic things.

  10. davidhong123 says:

    hey, i must’ve ran into you before and not realized it… =D

    just saying hello!

  11. RedRosesrr says:

    ummm not sure I understand your comment about coming home… how are things going?… don’t be a stranger :)…sorry our last phone call had to be so short :(:sunshine::juggle:

  12. pepomint34 says:

    hahah hey hon. :sleep: aww cute cow. cute smilies in general. anyways. i agree with u. but relax dude-its summerrrr. hope u have a good one. i’m off to taiwan tomm hon-leave an address, maybe i can write? cya

  13. Vietbubble says:

    Ok, who’s the gurl???  Hey, don’t go for the pretty looks, go for the beauty inside such as nice personality.  😆

  14. Vegito4 says:

    Well, yea… beautiful/cute women think that they are all that. If they feel that they groom to look good, mostly they will want something in return… Well, that’s the way it is.

  15. juiru says:

    there’s so much to learn about worship… i came across an album done by the passion worship band, hymns – ancient & modern. and i’m totally loving it. hymns are so amazing. there are so many ways to express our love, gratitude, faith… worship to god.

  16. Romans12_2 says:

    “dress for success” is just an annoying rhyme without any real relevance. it’s overused and vague. it just drives me crazy. :):BlueFish:

  17. Vegito4 says:

    RYC: “The right path is hard. The gate to the right path is narrow. People will choose to do right, if it benefits them, but how many will chose to do what is right when it causes more pain and suffering for them?”

    Yea, the right path is the hard path. Anyone who tells us the “right path” is easy is mistaken. The wrong path is always the easy path to take. The choice to the “wrong path” is cause by mental pain, anger, suffer, which sum up to negative energies. Negative energies are negative idea/feeling created in our head, caused by our surrounding… It is influenced by the people around us, directly or indirectly. In America, people tend to be more selfish and crave for greater things. To be selfish is to desire the physical and abstract things from this world… Buddhism, as a philosophy, teaches people detach themselves from desire. To do this one has to be unselfish, and not compare ones self to ones surrounding, nor to be influenced peer pressure.

  18. Exit39 says:

    Hey!  I like your answer about how the joy bubbles up from within..I like that,and want for the joy of the Lord to continue in us and to be magnified in our lives.  Having this joy makes the dark times not so much a factor, where His light shines is where the darkness flees.  More love, more power, more of Him in my’s also funny how I think lately.  I think a lot about song lyrics and stuff that comes out of my mouth reminds me of songs that I’ve heard. strange but I hope that this is a good thing and that I’ll be quoting scripture more and basically dig more into His Word for nourishment in our everyday walk.  I’m rambling probably again.  You have a great Fourth of July and be safe!  God bless..

  19. stonejewel says:

    Sometimes the make-up, hairspray, and clothes are there to cover up insecurities and low self-worth. Getting the guy doesn’t mean conquest, but affirmation. Pretty girls aren’t always shallow, but possibly unfulfilled.

  20. stonejewel says:

    mmm… mainly observation, though I can understand what low self-esteem can do to a person.

  21. 1. Who are you? Anna
    2. Are we friends? sure
    3. When and how did we meet? On Xanga…I dunno how. I think you found me somehow.
    4. How have I affected you? You’ve opened my eyes more to the love Christ has for me..
    5. What do you think of me? Encouraging, strong, and kind
    6. What’s the fondest memory you have of me? Do we have memories? lol..
    7. How long do you think we will be friends? ??
    8. Do you love me? no
    9. Do you have a crush on me? no
    10. Would you kiss me? no, probably not
    11. Would you hug me? sure
    12. Physically, what stands out? never seen you before…
    13. Emotionally, what stands out? ?
    14. Do you wish I was cooler? lol, no.
    15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I? never seen you before..
    16. Give me a nickname and explain why you you picked it. umm Fluffy Dragon Tail..I DON’T KNOW
    17. Am I loveable? yeah
    18. How long have you known me? few months maybe
    19. Describe me in one word. …?
    20. What was your first impression? You sounded like a strong Christian..and I admired that about you..
    21. Do you still think that way about me now? yeah
    22. What do you think my weakness is? not sure
    23. Do you think I’ll get married? umm, if you want to be I hope you will be..
    24. What makes me happy? ?
    25. What makes me sad? ?
    26. What reminds you of me? Xanga in general
    27. If you could give me anything what would it be? ?
    28. How well do you know me? not very well…
    29. When’s the last time you saw me? never seen you
    30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t? no
    31. Do you think I could kill someone? I hope not
    32. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? lol, who knows..
    33. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? yeah
    34. Are you going to put this on your xanga and see what I say about you? is on my Xanga..

  22. juiru says:

    sam doensn’t know me as well as i’d like… heck, i don’t even know me as well as i’d like… but i love that i have him in my life.  to have an earthly companion who is a tangible demonstration of God’s sacrificial love.  (well, not all of the time… he gets on my nerves sometimes.)  there’s something wonderful about being with someone who loves Jesus and would spur me on to love Him more and whom I could inspire to pursue after God with more gusto.  Something ideal about being able to serve and glorify God better together than apart. and if one is meant to be single… that’s exciting too… it just means that God has something amazing planned for their life… something so unique and wonderful that cannot be accomplished if their attention was divided.  He’s got it all figured out!

  23. I was browsing through and found your site. I really like it, and it’s really cool to meet someone who has the same interests in books as I do. Keep growing in the Lord and no matter what you are going through Jesus put you there for a reason. May the grace of our Lord be with you, Now and always may you stay blameless till He comes…Grace and Peace – Holland

  24. :sunglasses: hey hon–hows it going? deep entry…maybe getting to know what a person’s really like changes the way you look at them.

  25. aiyah. cut the pretty people some slack.

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