Tuesday November 2, 2004

RL Updates:

I’m getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed on Friday. I have a wedding to attend. I also need to learn how to be persistent in things that seem to be way off… though it’s closer than things like heaven and meeting God… I chopped up my friend’s bible cover… 😀 Hope you don’t mind, elusive, because I can’t undo it now. It’s election day and I’ve finished casting my vote. Yes, I live in the den of Democrats known as Philadelphia. I didn’t know they could “push” for a candidate when you were sitting there in the booth, but yea, they were like… Hit straight number 1, baby! Hahaha… I’m such a rebel. R,D,D,D,R,R,D. ^__^ I’m still pondering Philipians 4:1-9. Hopefully, some light comes up soon cuz a friend of mine asked about it the other day… 😛 BOOK SHOPPING SPREE! Anyway, I think that’s about it.

== Talking with the G-man ==

Dad, thanks for this wonderful day. You do some seriously good work. Then again, I just love sunny days. The election weight heavy on the heart and mind. I’ve cast my vote, for what it’s worth, and there is nothing left but to wait and see. I pray that You will take the lead here. That our leaders will walk in Your ways and lean not on their own understanding. I am neither for Bush, nor am I for Kerry. I am for You, Lord. May the candidate that is elected be on YOUR side. Each one of us is human, but through You, all things are possible. At the end of the day, may each one of us pray that Your wonderful and often mysterious will be done. I have some things other things sitting like lead on my mind. I’d like to life up the preacher of GCC, he is sick and currently sweating more than normal, I pray that you may comfort him and draw him closer during his time of testing and troubles. Thank you for a man that is not afraid to speak your truths, Lord. My friend, BH is going through a spiritual desert. May you bring water for the thirst or bring some sin to light, because while you long to draw us close, we must learn to stop withdrawing for you. EL is … I’m not sure, something rests uneasy about this. BC is still seeking you, but perhaps distracted by other things. What’s up with that? AB is just so cool. Thanks for such a friend. SS is doing better, but maybe just adding light where there is darkness… well, I’ve got a horrible sense of timing, just tell me when, ok? FK seems to be doing better, I don’t know how it is that You use me, but thanks for hte heads up. KC and I are reading a book about when You came down as a human… all I can say is wow. So many things I never knew… You’ve brought me to a new place of growth, thanks. I’m still learning to let go of some things, help me apply what I have learned, each day and with every temptation. Help me to seek out good each and every day in every way. Help me to let good of those things that harm me, no matter how good that seem to me. Who am I to question what is good? I am convinced now that I have no trouble speaking truth, but I need to speak in love. Your Word has dropped on my like a dictionary on an ESOL student. I am wrong, help me fix that which is broken. I’ve bought alot of books, hopefully I can put them to some good use. Anyone need a little spiritual nightlight? May we continue to shine, Lord, to your glory and may You not be ashamed that we have been chosen as Your ambassadors to the world. And about Philippians, yea, I need some of Your help.. May we continually strive live up to our namesake. I ask this in the name of our Savior, Jesus. Amen.

== Random stuff ==

For those who need to know when their xanga fix will be unavailable or stuff

I am so bored… I am now a member of thefacebookFriendster and Tickle


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8 Responses to Tuesday November 2, 2004

  1. “the G-man??”:cheekygrin::headshake::lol:

    I think that makes my whole day.


  2. kinda like how you underestimate me….I have been around the same awesome and amazing christians all my life…I pretty much know everything about them. I like to break out and learn new things and you gotta move around sometimes. I don’t underestimate the amazing people i am around, and what encouragement they have for me, I just learn so much by being around new people. Surely you can understand. And also, I try to encourage when i can, but now i am the one who needs encouragement. ya know?

  3. ChaSeiwBow says:

    haha face book, what an interesting culture

  4. Gleefully says:

    ouch, I hope you’re recovering from the minor operation to your gums.:neko:

    you bought heaps of books huh? I’m envious. 🙂 if you can’t read them all, send some my way!:sunshine:

  5. RedRosesrr says:

    Good luck with wisdom teeth, soon you’ll be my chipmunk friend ;)… no, I don’t think they’re allowed to do that at the polls :p…I thought the rule was they had to stay at least 10 yards (or was it feet?) away :p…. still need to get together, and if you feel a need to, my friend suckered me into doing friendsters a few weeks ago :p

  6. jadejulz says:

    what voting booth did you go to where they had a seat for you??

    i am feeling a little bit better, thanks for your concern..bitching and screaming and crying helped relieve some of the pain and anger i was feeling–

    i’m not a huge fan of kerry either, and i was one of those people that only voted for him because i DESPISE bush–of the three candidates, my vote would have gone to nader (like it did in 2000) if i thought he had any chance of getting 5%, and if i didn’t want to defeat bush SO BADLY…when i explain my stance to some people, i say that i’m choosing between the lesser of two evils..they two main candidates are both not my first picks for president, but the differential between bush and kerry is huge–i just can’t see living, really living, in a world where a guy as selfish as bush is, is calling the shots–kerry had a really tangible chance of changing america, i seriously believe, for the better, and pulling the country out of the ruins its in now–except that america is too blind (and too stubborn) to realize it

  7. serabrh says:

    hi, just stopping by…sorry for the little music movie thing…it’ll be some challenge for me to translate that thing.  🙂

  8. RedRosesrr says:

    poor twiny…I’ll pray for ya, and update tomorrow ;)…or tonight if I get home early enough ;)…*hugs*

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