Tuesday September 28, 2004


Friendster for the social butterfly…

(Beware the text message charges…)
Dodgeball Article

God throwing some curve balls?

Not a rant, just the facts.

Saturday, my cell phone is now dead. Poor thing got hit by a car. My phone looks so peaceful now… no more dropping it and abusing it anymore. goodbye, samsung. (Note to self: Do not place phone on lap when driving, will forget and drop phone upon exiting vehicle.)

Today, I started driving to work and my brakes went out. **Clunk, Thunk** and my brakes go slack on me. Thank God, I was only a block away from home. Drove around the block. (Ever tried braking with emergency brakes?), parked it and took my dad’s car. Was that omnious feeling before I got in the car, You giving me warning?

Pray for me, something’s up. I don’t believe in coincidence.


Next ponderous post: ~ Mind of a Terrorist <Mind of a Knight> ~

== EDIT ==

— More Randomness —

If you’re one of these people who’ve gotten no comments and 2 eProps, consider this your notice. ^__^

I’ve decided to start giving eProps to people’s sites I read. I finish reading and usually unless I comment, they think like no one reads their site. Since I’ve been eProping someone for awhile now who just likes eProps on her posts, I’ve decided to start eProping ppl who I don’t really have a good comment for. no more “…” just 2 eProps to tag and say I’ve read it and I don’t have any good comments.

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24 Responses to Tuesday September 28, 2004

  1. bleuciel82 says:

    Its good that you were still near home and that you werent driving fast.

  2. paget says:

    Matrix extras..??? heh!!! Hmmm?

  3. Vietbubble says:

    :cheekygrin:I bet u were driving too fast.  Anyhow, are u ok tho??? 

    Btw, u need a phone holder hooked up in ur car so next time u won’t tend to drop it.  😆

  4. juiru says:

    ok, is this about you or another one of those forwards like the one with the cat?
    if it’s you… gosh! looks like it’s time for a new phone, huh? so you stepped out, dropped it, then it got hit by a car? oh, poor phone!
    the brakes sounds scary! i’ve pictured myself in that situation many times, thank God it’s never happened to me before. good thing you weren’t on a slope and that the emergency brake worked!

  5. wow…teach me how to make my background blurry like that? carpe diem to you too. am i even using that right? um, what do you mean by “seize the day”??

  6. overjoy71 says:

    Hey HA256, I must love the propeller dudes to have two on my sites. Probably because I am one of them. :reader:

    The show is excellent, highly recommended. It is one of these shows you watch over and over again..

    I love this guy.. :headbanger: LOL

  7. paget says:

    You were very observant, with those propeller dudes.  However, one of them was actually fun, while the other one was propeller…so ya know what?  Not quite the same.  Teeheehee.  I’m being a bit of a pain in the behind.  Teeheehee again.  :BlueFish::BlueFish::BlueFish:

  8. paget says:

    ADHD flower?  Oh, I see.  You’ve been to my wilted_daisy site.  I started that one initially, but then began paget.  have been using “paget” since february AND have kept it a secret from people I know in real life (apart from death of a dream and gleefully), until this week. 

  9. chapstik2002 says:


    what God does in my life is always a mystery… ^__^

  10. RedRosesrr says:

    ewww on the car thing.  I’m glad you’re ok :)… will be praying for ya and your poor celly 🙁

  11. gigi9315 says:

    yucky yucky….who do i remind you of? someone good i hope 🙂

  12. :reader: Hmm Maybe it’s a sign to get your car to the dealer shop.

  13. bleuciel82 says:

    I dont have the song file on my computer thus I cant share. You can dl it and share it with me! I like it the first time i heard it.

  14. marialee says:

    the blurry background iz makin my eyes go cross-eyed…  =P

    unfortunately, not all guys grow to be MEN, even with love & care.  the MEN who become MEN, become so because they grasp the understanding of who God wants them to be.  those who don’t, remain toddlers & have to be fed more love & care.

    i didn’t mean all guys were retarded… i was just messin.  =)

  15. Heavy duty, but good.  You’re welcome.

    (Hooray for English projects!)


  16. Hmm…I had “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” running through my head as I wrote the last stanza or so…so I guess “I know that it is finished” kind of comes from there.  “You have accomplished it” is reminiscent of that song as well.  That’s all.

    How many song lyrics do you observe??


  17. hmm, odd.  What song is that from?


  18. juiru says:

    i don’t usually care for eprops. but w/ your explanation, your eprops are nice.  🙂

  19. Gleefully says:

    I have to say Sammy, I really appreciate your patronage to my site and your leaving eprops AND comments on most of my blogs for such a long time.

    Hope your phone and car problems get sorted out soon. Take care &0„2 God bless!

  20. marialee says:

    It requires GOD kicking boys into stepping up and becoming MEN!


    hahaha… surely.  same goes for girls.  we need that extra kick in the buttock too.

  21. ChaSeiwBow says:

    HAHA, the eprops thing is a lil joke wit me and my roomie. I check my xanga every morning out of routine, and he likes to think my day revolves around how many eprops i get. =P thanks for reading tho

  22. OneNose says:

    Hey!  It was good seeing you.  quite a site you have here.. very high tech… anyway, i hope your car’s okay.. maybe it was a sign to get a new one?  :cheekygrin:  or maybe just that you need to check breaks more often… hmm.. anything happen at work that day?  anyway.. just wanted to say hello..

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