Monday February 14, 2005

<Morbid-Vday-God-Weird Thoughts>
== Communion: Vampires and Cannibals: Symbolic blood and flesh from Christ for life?

Isn’t it freaky that out of all the ways we are asked to remember Christ… We are asked to remember to drink his blood and eat his body. I don’t know about you, but I’m not exactly pleased when someone calls me a vampire and a cannibal. But this is Jesus speaking here. Wade into seeming insanity for a second here with me~

Place yourself into the shoes of a vampire. For a vampire, blood is life. Thirsting for something to bring life back into a (un)dead body. Sounds familiar? I thought so. Add to this, vampires can only find life through blood, they live in darkness. And when a vampire gets hit by the full power of the light, they’re vaporized. Like a sinner who meets up with the intense holiness of God, the light of the heavens. Jesus is taking about those who walk in the paths of darkness, those who are driven by this thirst for life, living life by crushing the life out of others… He’s saying there is another way. A fountain that doesn’t run out. A thirst that is or will be quenched.

Cannibals are a different story. I’m not picturing Jeffry Dalmer (sp?) but more like the Donner (sp?) Party fiasco… where a group of people get snowed in at a mountain pass, there’s nothing to eat. Imagine the desperation, the paranoid looks and finally the madness. Eating human flesh. The idea makes the hairs on my neck stand on end. Jesus is telling us, that this is our situation. There is only one way and sometimes it feels completely unnatural and downright wrong on this path to life. That we are desperate for life and we will do almost anything to grasp on tighter to it.

But on a slightly less morbid train of through… we are what we eat. So from a biological standpoint. Jesus is promising that He will become part of us. Just like we become part of Him as the church. We grow more Christ-life as we take on His likeness, his properties: loving, gracious, wise, passionate, patient, bold, insightful, encouraging…

== Bone of my Bones and Flesh of my Flesh:  Marriage for life denotes tying of bones and flesh.

More freaky morbid thoughts. Has it ever occurred to you that having a rib extricated from your body isn’t exactly a normal idea? Perhaps if you don’t stop to think about it, it’s kinda culturally accepted. Just like that idea of a soulmate, but that’s a whole other idea. God’s idea of marriage is “flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones.” I imagine siamese twins attached in some manner. So think of what divorce would be akin to… It’s like taking a hacksaw to these twins. Not to be suggested unless there is a very, very, very good reason, eh? So for God, divorce is akin to something like amputating a limb.

Add on top of all this, think of how a body works. When part of the body doesn’t work like it’s designed, the whole body suffers. So when I get married, my actions, my intentions and my sins will have a direct impact on my partner. Same goes the other way.

Additional Mind Fodder: Christ to church: Bridegroom to bride
Feel free to play more mental connect the dots.
</Morbid-Vday-God-Weird Thoughts>
<The week via InTerNet>
</The week via InTerNet>

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart…
be pleasing to you… be pleasing to you.

<News over Xanga>
OverJoy71 – The prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
StoneJewel – it’s Single Awareness Day!
StirTheStars – Chasing the lady properly, from the ladies perspective…
Tigress524 – Love is in the air?
</News over Xanga>

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5 Responses to Monday February 14, 2005

  1. eeekkk!!! cannibals and vampires. are you sure we have to call ourselves that?

  2. pinkp0L0 says:

    eek you write too much.

    im sure its super intelligent and super interesting but too much text makes my head hurt.

    so ill make do with a HELLO HON!!

  3. overjoy71 says:

    Hi yo bro.. Interesting way of looking at communion !! I never look that the elements the same way again. LOL !! Luck for me, the elements are representative of His Sacrifice. But bro, I love your thoughts here. lol.. Keep banging. :headbanger:

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