Tuesday May 31, 2005

Question of the day:

What does it take to be a good “wingman”?
(anyone have any experience in this field? I’ve heard of it, but never thought anyone would ask me… :-p)

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I’m beginning to think he might have asked the wrong guy… I don’t know if there’s such a thing as a “christian” wingman…

Lackland AFB

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15 Responses to Tuesday May 31, 2005

  1. jules137 says:

    Hi Han! 🙂

  2. jules137 says:

    Oops, i mean Hon. as you can tell I can’t spell 😉

  3. racer says:

    hey man… :sunglasses: interesting question, so i’ll take a stab at it… :cheekygrin: i think to be a good “wingman” you’ll have to be rather observant… (of course, it all depends if we’re both defining “wingman” the same way… 😆 ) i say observant because there were numerous times some of friends (usually just me a friend) would be interested in talking to a specific person… without verbally suggesting it, i would be able to “tell”… :cheekygrin: and either maneuver away if that specific person is alone, or manuever to talk to others in the group if that specific person had friends with her… :cheekygrin: hope that helps somewhat… if “wingman” means something totally different for you, then just ignore my post… 😆

  4. racer says:

    correction: “(usually just me and one other friend)”

  5. zepakman says:

    errr back in the days when i played flight simulator games i’d always get my leader killed while trying to be their wingman. I didn’t do the whole “watch their back” thing too well cuz i was more concerned about staying in the air at all, which happened to be a pretty valid concern due to the fact that I was utterly lacking in skills. i’m not really sure of the context here; like racer said, you have to be observant, but more importantly, observant of the welfare of the person who you’re supposed/want to protect. you’ve also got to have skills/tact 😛

  6. ChaSeiwBow says:

    haha tough question

  7. tigress524 says:

    oops. thanks for the tip.

    don mclean version’s the best.. did u know madonna remade the song too?

  8. chapstik2002 says:

    haha, have you seen “In Good Company”?

  9. Exit39 says:

    I don’t know, but I’m guessing that to be a wingman, like in hockey?, you have to be a person that’s willing to go deep within the enemy’s domain, take a beating at times, and eventually SCORE!!!  :cheekygrin: 

  10. gigi9315 says:

    what’s a wingman?

  11. theknown says:

    hey i haven’t chimed in for a long time.
    i think in the situation you’re probably referring to, there is a saying, “it is enough for the servant to be like his master.” at least that is the saying that has rung in my ears most clearly as the “wingman” for my pastor.

  12. davidhong123 says:

    i suppose the act of being a wingman could be construed as being un-christian!
    but, strictly speaking, any wingman (or wingperson) is simply being loyal to the lead…! :-p

  13. overjoy71 says:

    Ok dude.. I need the term to be clarified !! LOL !! Before I put my foot in it.:headbanger:

  14. Google defines Wingman as a companion who accompanies his or her friend on social excursions to court the opposite sex.
    According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wingman

    I think that’s a pretty great definition of what a good wingman is. How are you BTW?

  15. Vietbubble says:

    i am usually free on the weekends only.  i had just sent some frens an email on outdoor activities to see who would like to join me. 

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