Monday November 14, 2005

My favors are not for sale. I’m not your chauffeur, don’t tip me. I’m your friend. I don’t do things b/c you can pay me for my time and gas bill. I’d be driving a taxi or a limo, if that was the case. I grant favors because that’s what friends are there for. If you want to thank me, then do so. If you want to write an IOU for a favor, then do so. If you want to give me a gift… I’m not going to refuse it. @#*&@#*^  Maybe this is just something specifically chinese/asian… and I’m too much a twinkie to appreciate it.

OOO – Hold on out there, lil sis.

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2 Responses to Monday November 14, 2005

  1. RedRosesrr says:

    hehehe if you get too asian, jsut transwer that money over here ;)…hehehe I’m very very American 😉

  2. RedRosesrr says:

    but then I miss out on all the fun!!! *stomps foot and pouts* ;)…juuuust kidding,I have more subtle ways of twisting the knife 😉

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