Friday September 9, 2005


Ever had a really good idea while you were lying down in bed and about to drift off into sleep. Thoughts about the future, new perspectives into ancient wisdom, possibilities & paths, life & death, comforting, good intentions resulting in evil, beauty, marred perfection, fighting evil, pursuing good, paying the price, honoring non-christian parents, following the big Man, taking a risk, rising to the challenge, take a step into the unknown…


and you wake up and forgot all the stuff you dreamt about.


Waking up is too sad. Must subdue the world. Transform!



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11 Responses to Friday September 9, 2005

  1. juiru says:

    YES! that happens to me so much. i always think i’ll remember it, but most of the time, i don’t.

  2. all4myJesus says:

    ALL THE TIME!! haha. But yeah…next time when you wake up…write down those dreams. I keep a pencil/pen and a pad of paper next to my bed just in case, hehe. There are times where I wish I had written a dream down and didn’t have anything to write it on, haha. It really sucks, but Praise God He’s the giver of dreams. =) God Bless ^_^

  3. PooPoo1019 says:

    hey hon how have you been doing? i see your car parked outside of my house all the time and you never stop by to say hi…well just checking on you

  4. Camp_freak says:

    oooo i know! i always hate waking up! i always have all my worthwhile thoughts while drifting off to sleep! try to keep a notebook by my bed…kinda helps the remembering part a lil bit…

  5. RedRosesrr says:

    hahah yes, even worse, I wake up and realize my “magical” idea would only work wonders in my dream world …hahaha :)… keep trucking, bro :)…let’s get together sometime!!! dinner?

  6. That happens to me all the time!! Muhahaha!! Yesterday I had a really bad dream, kept on waking up and I can barely remember what I dreamt about and worried about!! All I knew was I was so tired this morning.

  7. overjoy71 says:

    Hey, oh yeah.. This one sounds familiar, actually i think it happens too often. LOL!! The other place is in the shower, you can this great song but by the time you come out. It is gone forever…  LOL !! :headbanger:

  8. Mabeleaf says:

    ehh….waking up isn’t sad…just painful….esp. if one doesn’t get to sleep in.

  9. tigress524 says:

    probably puppy =)

    bunny has an official name- triscuit. i just don’t call him that.

  10. RedRosesrr says:

    hahaha I’m confused as to why my comment would make people think that, but I was thinking more a weeknight when I was in the city anyways?  afterall we only work 2 min. apart :p sorry Sat. wont’ work for me.  either dancing or cleaning house :p

  11. Gleefully says:

    this always happens to me.

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