The wisdom of those without

One man said: “Food is better than sex.” ( I never did get his name. )
Lisa said: “Give me a couple dollars. Pleeeaaaassse.” ( No, she didn’t get any money from me. )

On those few occassions where I didn’t say “I’m sorry” then hurried on with my life or passed by on the other side of the road, I’ve come face to face with the wisdom of those who are without. Those who are downtrodden and down their luck so to speak. There are many things we really want, but when we really stop to think about it, what do we really need? What is necessary and what is luxury?

They remind me. That money is a tool. It is something to be used for God’s glory. I think it’s something I’d like to forget. I’d rather bury it and just keep it. So, I hope you don’t mind as I try to turn your world (and mine) right-side-up again and God-willing, show you a bit of God’s glory along the way.

First of all. If you are reading this, yes, this very xanga post. You are rich. Most likely you have a roof over your head, clothes that fit, and food to eat everyday. When was the last time you’ve felt the bite of hunger? ( Forgive me, those who are taking part in a fast. ) You have some sort of disposable income that you can save or spend on something other than the daily needs outlined above. I doubt there are many of us like the lady with two pennies that Jesus commended. So instead… that puts us into the category of the rich-camel… possibly someone who likes rich people. How many of us know the Lord’s prayer and use it to love our neighbors? daily bread. Jesus didn’t pray for riches. And He certainly didn’t pray for poverty. We have all these things going on in our lives. So much things to do, places to go, plans to make. Who is this Lord, you keep talking to? Who’s your God? Who’s your Master?

To one of God’s creations, one person made in God’s image. 10 dollars and 15 minutes of your time are priceless.

(For those who want to know: No, I don’t give money to them. But you can buy them food, right?)

For evil to win, they just need to stop good from being done, period.

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8 (NIV)

I hope you guys feel the love. Don’t forget that sin isn’t just about avoiding temptation, it’s also about seeing a chance to do good and missing it. Hope you’re preparing to remember Christ’s death & resurrection!
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4 Responses to The wisdom of those without

  1. RedRosesrr says:

    well, I will be fasting this Thurs. – Fri. you can pray for me :)…30 hours isn’t the cake walk it used to be :(.  by the way, speaking of which muahahaha ;)…are you sponsoring me this year? 🙂

  2. I can’t NOT forget His death! This is Passion Week, the week he dies. My Church is doing this Bible reading, reading Matthew to John. Monday was Matthew, today is Mark…couldn’t go to that one, and tomorrow is Luke and Thursday is John. I can’t wait for Friday and Sunday’s service! Going to be FUN!

    I’m a Sunday School Teacher and I teach a grade four girl class in the Children’s Ministry and we’re going to decorate boiled eggs on Sunday morning, so excited!

    What’s your Church doing for Friday, or Sunday, or both?

  3. franksabunch says:

    I’ve definitely been blessed with more than I deserve.  Everyday I see people whose lives are worse off than mine.  Reminders that I should be thankful and give everything back to God that He has given me.

  4. RedRosesrr says:

    thanks!! that’s great :)…we can always work out details later 🙂

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