(insert interesting title here)


I’ve discovered new muscles in my legs. (And no… I’ve never taken anatomy & physiology.) I’ve discovered them after jogging about 1.5 miles Sunday evening. I know they’re there now b/c they protest when I sit down and when I walk up & down the stairs. I was feeling really blah this weekend, so I decided that the best way to get out of the slump was to kill myself. Inflict some sort of bodily injury. I feel most alive immediately after I’ve stubbed my toe or squished my fingers or accidentally cut myself in some manner… don’t you think so? It seems to me that pain is just God’s way of telling you you’re not quite dead yet. (in this life anyway…) So if you see me doing what seems to be a homie-G limp, I’m not trying to be cool, it actually hurts, alright?

OBEY, OBey, obey… I know what I should do is memorize all these cards, illustrations, verses, lead-ins, etc… for my evangelism class, but I honestly hate it. Nothing against the course, material, or teacher… and I can even see how this stuff would help to clarify the gospel message into a simple 5-minute conversation. The book sits in my bag, day after day… it’s really sad that I paid money for that and it’s doing no good sitting in my bag collecting wrinkles & crumples. BLAH ! Witness, Disciple, Testify…

I went to visit Grace House which is one of the places that GCC hopes to renovate and use for church activities and stuff. I was chilling out and then P.Y. actually came over and started talking to me. Asked me about where I went to school, work, friends, etc. It’s kinda funny when I look back on it now, but when I was talking to him, I actually just freaked out. Twitched out. I have no clue. maybe it was all that thinking got my imagination thinking things that weren’t really there… fear of the unknown? He was like… “We are just chatting…” Gotta give the man props for being perceptive. Kinda like an angel of God, “Fear not!” Anyways, I think I’ve calmed down from that and it’s amusing to think about, maybe we’ll actually chat again and hopefully this time I won’t twitch out. Fear God, not man…

Battle Plan.
I’ve been losing more battles with immorality than I’d like to admit. Heck, when you come right down to it, losing even one battle is more than I’d like. But I know there’s gotta be a reason for this, so I went back and looked over my defenses for key areas of weakness. So to shore up my defenses, this is the list of things that I need to do every single day to be prepared.

  1. Sleep 8-9 hours everyday.
  2. Morning prayer (15 mins of chill time w/ the Lord)
  3. Daily reading / meditating on the Word

Here’s my reasoning behind it. #1 is simple. If I am tired, it’s alot harder for me to fight off urges & impulses. Fatigue saps my energy and also I’m not alert enough to avoid those ambushes I’ll run into in the course of the day. #2 keeps me in tune with what God is up to in my life. It gives me time to rant, rave, assess, re-center myself within the eternal perspective. #3 allows God to smack me upside the head with correction and shine some light into my life so I can recognize trash as trash and gold as gold. If I fail on #1, I cannot do #2 nor #3… I’ll fall asleep. So I’m gonna go to sleep now.

Vote on PA’s official bumper sticker!

Currently Reading
Two Ways to Live: Know and Share the Gospel: Participant’s Manual
By Tony J. Payne, Phillip D. Jensen
see related

=== EDIT 1.0 ===

Whole Grains: (Beyond wheat, barley & oats)
Video Game Detox Clinic
Getting fired can kill you.
Midwives (This one’s for you mish~)
Japan’s falling birthrate (stats about sex & countries)
Getting rid of money, How to
Setting a good example (Saving money)
AT&T has a new privacy policy: (and you thought it was to protect your privacy?)
Good catch!
Murder by sex
Promiscuity Vaccine
The magic of the family meal
Mailman in Pottstown has a most interesting day…

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9 Responses to (insert interesting title here)

  1. RedRosesrr says:

    – thanks for the response 🙂

    – pain – on the being alive thing, no I don’t really agree, you’re just odd hahaha ;).  But ROFL about the limp thing 🙂

    – rebellion – is it that or laziness?  although I have never been a big fan of learning to do evangelism, b/c I’m more of a believer in it should well up out of you and not be forced.

    – fear – see!!! what did I tell ya? hahaha I think it’s b/c I see him as really perceptive…hehehe :)…

    – battles – crudzola, sigh, me too :(.  I really need more sleep to fight :(… i’ve been very bad about that lately 🙁 but yes, God’s been kicking my butt lately about the things I either should do and am not, or shouldn’t do and are doing a lot of :p *roll eyes* at myself :p

  2. DaGFlash says:

    who are you? you leave eprops. why?

  3. alilkrji says:

    You’re a soldier. ‘home G walk’ muhahahaha. i like it.

  4. iheartsarah says:

    hey…thanks for bein’ there.

  5. yk2118 says:

    Hi Hon,

    insightful posts. how are you doing?

  6. franksabunch says:

    Yeah, I lose those battles with immorality also.  Thank God for grace!  (Altho that is no excuse.)

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