
Today, I went to Friday Night Live for the first… and quite possibly the last time.

I was tired going in. I was completely drained when I left.

How is it that spending time with the Body was not at all refreshing… but rather burdensome today?

——————–EDIT 1.0—————————-

—- “A picture is worth a thousand words.” —-

This is what my Friday felt like:


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16 Responses to T.G.I.F.

  1. PooPoo1019 says:

    that’s a sign of u getting old…jk

  2. Wangnation says:

    you know what? it happens all the time…
    maybe it’s a sign of aging?!
    maybe it’s just one of those tiring days?!
    Lord knows…
    sometimes, it’s just a sign to sit back in the silence and let Him talk one-on-one.

  3. marialee says:

    know how that feels sometimes, but those are the times where i don’t go to seek God.  i go to fill requirement or to socialize rather than praise & ask God to come meet with me AND the people around me.  every encounter with God is exactly that- an ‘encounter’.  it should have impact & bring change!  it should renew & rejeuvinate his people.  my prayers for you & your church are for that.  we are part of a universal church & we should be praying for God to work in our cities, in our homes, in our churches, …

  4. franksabunch says:

    Starbucks Frappucino, my man!

  5. ocean_floor says:

    What strange thought??

    Are you asking about online tests in general or about the online test you link on your comment?

    I’ll just answer both since i’m really bored.. 🙂

    online tests in general : just for fun… that’s it. shouldn’t be taken seriously. I am doing a minor in psych and there are lots of scale and tests and what not that try to measure people’s personality and things like that, and there are lots of debate whether or not they are actually measuring what they are suppose to measure, i guess that kinda change my perspective about the validity of personality tests that are available online. and because it’s online, it’s even worse.. you don’t know who actually created it and whether it’s based on something real or just some random person who’s trying to have fun.. 😉 so yeah, that’s my 2 cents..

    5 love languages:
    I believe there is a book talking about this love languages, I personally haven’t had the chance to read the book. I don’t know if you can actually categorize the way people love you in just 5 categories.. Maybe there are more categories. But I have to say that there are certain things that people do that make me feel more loved than other things that they do for me…

    That’s it 😀


  6. It’s getting into spring over here…that’s a nice picture though.

  7. oneeyedking says:

    hey, i remember taking that picture!

  8. Hahacincin2 says:

    =P..hallo old head!  jk

  9. haha. it wasn’t my command. just another one of those copy and paste posts. ^_^

  10. Hahacincin2 says:

    haha….u can find out by my birthdate on my site..haha..i should take that down. 

  11. Hahacincin2 says:

    haha..YOU ARE AN OLDHEAD!  woo hooooooo.  which makes me a youngin

  12. overjoy71 says:

    Hey Dude.. how come so many people are calling you old? hahaa.. You are younger than me.
    I guess it is how you see the outing and what you take away from the outing as well.. :headbanger:

  13. melbelle31 says:

    thanks hon =) dont worry, you just need a nice relaxing sleep to be all re-energized again for the next day!

  14. RedRosesrr says:

    getting around to reading various posts I missed…yeah, anythign on Fridays these days tires me out 🙁

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