AMI East Conference


AMI East met up in the Poconos at a place called Split Rock Resort. A bit classy for my own taste, but hey, the conference was still good regardless. I guess the best way I could describe it is something like Christian bootcamp. Take a month worth of fellowship, prayer, sermons, seminars, worship, & ministry… then cram it into 3 days. People tell me that OIL is crazier, but I think this has been crazy enough for me. “There is no such thing as coincidence.” and “God will tear down the foundation before He starts building”. That’s all I’ve got to say about that. Knugget was my SG leader (Small Group). Our first night there… our SG was 3 ppl. I kid you not. We should’ve called ourselves the SSG (Super-Small Group). I found out that when she gets comfortable with someone… she likes to punch them. So I got punched. I’m not sure whether to feign injury/affront or be honored. (I’ll process that tidbit later…) The other person in our SSG was spark. Spark‘s a singer… with “model” feet of size 8. Yea, so random right? I’d fill in more, but we’ve got some privacy constraints, eh? So I’m sure if she wants to share, she can and will. I also spotted OneNose. Didn’t really chat, just kinda waved hi. During one of P. Seth’s sermons I found out ONEder_woman has an incredible belly laugh. She just lets it all out! I’m jealous. I haven’t laughed like that in…. tooo long. Also met up with my FG leader (Family Group, OAKS!!) esohn80. We met up, we prayed hard and it was good. Godspeed, Caroline! Chatted a little bit with both parts of mosesYOONjoyce. Also chilled with gusgus. No real talking, but then again… there are some times when words are over-rated. But part of gusgus‘ crew, aka Jenny said “hi” in her own way. She said “Hi Hon” I said… “Have we met? Isn’t your name, Ester?” She said, “No, but it begins with a J” I thought for a good 15 seconds and nothing came up. I was about to say something about not recalling if we had met when she finished my thought. She said, “Actually, we’ve never met, but I’m keeping my eye on you. Clara’s MY sister.” or words to that effect. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Seriously. Then I stuck my foot in my mouth by commenting on her height. She was shorter than me and I said something like… “I don’t mess with short people…” when I was actually trying to say something like “David whooped Goliath, so don’t mess… they can bring you down…” I quickly retreated when she started to gear up. I practically ran to my dinner table. A good warrior knows when the battle is lost and it’s time to retreat. Sleep deprivation is a two-edged sword.  Also got to say hi to oneeyedking several times, but didn’t really stop and chat. (It’s something I’ve wanting to do, but something’s always holding me back. Gotta stop procrastinating…) Spotted AshokandJen and their baby…. and of course, the crowd of ladies oooh’ing and ahhh’ing. Spent a goodly part of an hour pointedly avoiding bleuciel82… let’s just say it was a MINGLE-muscle workout. Caught a glimpse of jasonyip. Chungysoup. I went to sleep next to this guy. He’s lucky I didn’t roll over and backhand him… but then again, it could be that I’m the lucky one… Woke up to have breakfast and discuss the preferences and qualities of our personal favorite cuts of beef with Coolguy82. Filet Mignon contrasted against T-bone. Marblization, tenderness and texture. Oh yeah…. My bro, kewlnesscounts was there. :Private: Tigress524… she asked me a question and didn’t wait for me to finish whistling before she whipped by me. I haven’t met many people who ask a question and don’t really care for an answer. I practically had to chase her to answer it. Peculiar encounter to say the least… Passionpurityprayer seemed so… relaxed. I don’t know how to quantify it. Maybe it was all the chill time with the other pastors? Caught up on old times with yk2118: “Being mean + CHS dogwood tree” along with “EEEEeewww…. you’re old!” followed by a hand clapped over the mouth. Oh man… It was encouraging to see what a godly woman she has become since CHS. Max is a blessed man. Exchanged eyebrow raises with ohchan39. Maybe it’s possible to have an entire conversation without a word. Other sightings include dejeeOINKoink, itsjoan, mafalda210, FatAlbert and funko (yet another former GCC’er who’s now a blessing at Westside)


————–Online Tidbits—————-

Are your cats old enough to learn about Jesus?
God, Grades and the Gospel
A rocket scientist goes surfing…
Canadian college curbs cancer-causing wifi?!?!
Internet Filtering effects… case and point.
Darwin goes for a swim…
A swimming, flying spy.
Food Crisis in Kenya
Media targeted by militants in Iraq?
MIT pranksters…
MS Windows DDR ???

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20 Responses to AMI East Conference

  1. bleuciel82 says:


    lol i didnt know you were avoiding me…was this during that lil group game?  after a while i was too tire to talk to anymore people…ehh mingling is hard work :juggle:

  2. ocean_floor says:

    haaha… i think i’m the same type of person as knugget. I pinch, punch, pat in the back, pat on the head (if they’re younger and shorter)and hug once I got comfortable with ppl. So you know if I really like someone.. ahaha the more i punch them and hit them, it means the more i love them.. ahah i wouldn’touch ppl whom i don’t like or not comfortable with.. ahhaha..
    Lots of people complaining about these, tho.. but oh well, that just my way of showing my love.. hehee..



  3. two_to_tango says:

    do you have aim?:sunglasses:

  4. gusgus says:

    HAHAH. jennyuh~ right? hahahaha she’s awesome. this looks like my dog. :SeeSpotRun: thanks for the encourgement bro. thas what OAKS is all about.

  5. onfyre4Him says:

    Wow… sounds like you know a lot of people on xanga.

  6. Miracle2005 says:

    congratulations in overcoming the first big project! Dont be too hard on yourself, next time. You’re on the road of new challenges, that’s all.

  7. RedRosesrr says:

    from bottom to top…

    NEATO on the DDR 🙂 …I would totally buy that to multitask even more!!! 🙂

    pretty good thinking about the surfboard business plan 🙂

    although fasciously written that cat piece was rather offensive to one who does seriously struggle with the issue of whether or not my pets will be meeting me in heaven… although Scooter may be a lost cause, we’re still working on him!!!

  8. :wave:

    just dropping a line to thank you.
    i always knew there was a kind-hearted, encouraging brother behind all those words of hostility. 😉

  9. franksabunch says:

    Ah, I love retreats/conferences!

  10. SiNg4hiM says:

    Hey Hon!

    Thanks for the shout out! haha. Privacy constraints?? :confused2:

    Hey it was nice getting to know you and our SUPER SMALL GROUP! In my opinion I think we had more fun as 3 don’t u think??

    Anywho keep in touch! (I love these smileys :headbanger:)

  11. two_to_tango says:

    I notice that your always on xanga.. but never online… you always leave eprops but never avaliable to talk to online.. you’re harder to get to than the president. 🙂 :eyeroll:

  12. knugget says:

    i tend to write how i talk….ya know, lots of these!!!!!! and these :):):):)
    i give you propz for using everyone’s xanga name…and then linking them all! haha

  13. ONEder_Woman says:

    you’re just finding out about my belly laugh??? we can practice together, bro 😆

  14. two_to_tango says:

    what does RYC mean? I feel really stupid for asking.. but I dont know.. and the prez and I are tight.

    🙂 Chels <3

  15. two_to_tango says:

    haha wow I would have never thought of that.

    Chels <3

  16. two_to_tango says:


    aka: Yeah You’re Right I Could.



  17. overjoy71 says:

    Dude!! Sounds like you had a blast at the camp/conference.. Haha… It would have been interesting to be have been there. Sounds you were an encouragement as always. :headbanger:

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