Big Brother Says (Hello.)

::cracks knuckles::

Ramble: Big Brother

Alright… here’s what’s been spinning in my head lately. In my personal spiritual battles, I’ve found an interesting line of thought that comes up every time I think of dating/courting/marriage. It may be a bit surprising, but that comes much more often lately. Perhaps it’s the pressure from family and friendly questions for friends, but that’s how it is when you get older. People think of marriage as the “next stage.” Whatever~

I know a pretty good number of people are dating/courting. And the question that always comes up is… are you honoring her in your dating relationship? Is it Christ-centered? Do you pray together? Have you talked with God about this? Where does your faith fit in your romantic life?

I am the youngest in my family, but I have to admit, I have a big brother mentality when it comes to sisters that are good friends. Especially when they don’t have someone in their life that can help… shall we say, “filter” their suitors? I’m sure some people would be offended, but I firmly believe that family is there is help you steer clear of bad romantic relationships. Seriously. Who knows you better than your good friends and family? It helps to have an outsider who is on your side and can give a (possibly) clear picture not (less?) influenced by emotions / personal involvement. Dating should not occur w/o community… that’s recipe for disaster. (Personal experience, I’ll vouch for it.)

Filtering… I’d like to know, what are your intentions? I’d like to hear that you want to protect and love her for the rest of your life. Yes, that even includes protecting her from yourself (because we’re all messed up, right?) When it comes right down to it, Are you willing to lay down your life for this woman? like Christ laid down his life for the church. I want to know that you have her best interests at heart and that you are leading her down the wrong path… you would stop and break off the relationship. Love is not self-seeking. I want to know that I can trust you will be there to provide/protect/care for her emotionally, spiritually, and physically to the best of your ability during both the worst and best of times. I want to know that I won’t get a phone call at 2 AM about how you’ve been a bastard/jerk. Because that will make me want to give you a split lip. (But I can’t… because when I hurt you, it hurts her.)

I want to know that you are a man in every sense of the word, because boys can’t take care of women. Are you ready to bleed? Are you ready to be hurt? Because I want to know how you will react to the worst situations. Are you ready for the long haul? or just along for the ride? Do you know what “Till death” means? When you feel small and you want to hurt someone, what are you going to do? Have you figured out how to sort out disagreements or do you just pretend it’s not there or sweep it under the rug?

While you’re dating my sister, here’s some other thoughts to keep in mind:

  1. She is the daughter of the Most High. (Don’t mess around with the King’s daughter.)
  2. You’re not her husband yet. (Treat her in such a way that you can look her future husband straight in the eye and shake his hand without guilt.)
  3. She’s got friends. ( Her friends want to meet you and get to know you. They want to know she’s in good hands. You think you’re man enough for her, prove it. )
  4. Pride / Insecurity / Baggage. ( Lay it down. Give it to God. Pray over it. Don’t smack her with it…)
Personal: Faith in Relationships

I was romantically interested in a lady and we were in the stage somewhere between friends and dating. And she said to me, there was another guy who was interested in her. She had made plans to go visit him later on that month. Initially, I was kinda taken aback and a bit of fear of losing her. But I thought it over then I told her to go visit him. (They had been good friends for awhile already and she had promised to visit him.) She asked me why and I told her the following: “I’m not worried about you visiting him. If God has him picked out as your future husband, then I have no chance anyway. If I’m supposed to be with you, God will make a way for that as well. I don’t like the idea of you visiting him, but at the same time, it seems like the right thing for you to do.”

== Tidbits ==

Thoughts on saying NO…(obligation/duty)
A government’s idea of “best interests”?

Currently Listening

Can’t Wait
By Yoo Seung Joun & Yuki Hsu

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18 Responses to Big Brother Says (Hello.)

  1. i really liked this entry. may i also post it? (giving you proper credit of course)

  2. hmm… a close lady friend once told me… not too long ago… just last week actually… that boys tend to make relationships more complicated than it should be. 

  3. stonejewel says:

    It’s too bad there aren’t more big brothers like you. It would make my job as the big sister a heck of a lot easier.

  4. A_S_LEE_P says:

    haha. maybe you are right. thanks for the advice. i guess not EVERYONE finds pictures like that totally interesting huh?

  5. ocean_floor says:

    You sounds a bit like my pastor, in a good way . He always told his kids ( i.e. us) that dating always involves the community, as well as marriage. In the context of marriage, when marriage fails, then the community has to take some responsibility in it as well, which I think really makes sense…
    And it is true, maybe some people find it a bit offensive that you ‘filter’ the person that they are interested in or whatever, but I believe that we need more people who truly cares to do that…Aren’t we suppose to be our brother’s ( and sister’s ) keeper?

    good insight.. 🙂


  6. marialee says:

    dag..  if only all guys had this mentality. 

  7. RedRosesrr says:

    don’t you mean where does your romantic relationship fit in to your spiritual walk?  where was my filter?!?!?! huh? ;)…. on a seperate note, all my friends do seem to want to “meet” him, so we’ll see I guess :p

  8. tigress524 says:

    i think i have that song too

  9. JiaJiaLao says:

    good post.

    I like the disclaimer on the bottom of your blog too.

  10. You sound like my big sister, who is my filter (and would beat up guys who hurt me too!). The trouble is, people for whom you are filtering rarely listen to your advice: I know I never listen to my sister. In order to be a good “big brother”, you need a “little sister” who is willing to listen. Let me know if you find one as they are rare.

    ps. I still think you are the fastest e-proper in the West. :juggle:

  11. tigress524 says:

    nope.. it’s in chinese too. i’ve never seen the video b4. i think it’s funny that she’s sitting at chilli’s

  12. sinceresin says:

    hey hon, your xanga seems very busy, my man.


  13. sinceresin says:

    hey dude did you go to MIT?

    i was just there visiting last week.

  14. appleapple says:

    hi! Linh? I know 2 of them. Which one ? girl or the boy?

  15. yousack says:

    Hey. I just subscribed because it makes it easier to read…

  16. Exit39 says:

    That video is interesting.  Do you know of a singer named Faye Wong?  The lady in your featured video reminds me of Faye by looks anyway. 

    I like your view on relationships.  Placing God first and having faith that He will provide everything for you is evident in your posting.  I can see God smiling over you brother.  You just don’t know what He has planned for you..  Your disappointments will turn into gladness..

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