P.Y. & Boldness

This has been stewing in the back of my mind for awhile now. I was chatting with JYuh and somewhere during our conversation she said she remembers me as someone who commented on P.Y.’s xanga pretty regularly. She looked a bit impressed and said something to the effect of, “you must be a bold one.” And for awhile, I’ve been mulling over her words off and on.

I’ve come to the conclusion that perhaps pastors are supposed to be feared for some reason. Or maybe that P.Y. was particularly fearsome… But I don’t know. He doesn’t seem too fearsome at all. But then again, I don’t really know him personally. His sermons are a bit offbeat and his personna seems to match that. Maybe he has a fierce side that I don’t know about since I’m looking from the outside in and from a distance.

So I mulled over my conclusion a bit and I thought… regardless of his position as a pastor, he’s as human as anyone else. Fallible. Sinner. Saved by grace & mercy. Equiped by God to do His will. Strengths & weaknesses. Is a pastor somehow set apart? I know that he should be respected as a leader within the church, but besides for that… I couldn’t find a real reason to fear him any more than any other human being. Am I missing something obvious?

A pastor is supposed to be a shepherd for the local flock. He answers to the Master-Shepherd, of course. His aim is to feed the sheep (pasture!) , keep them going in the right direction using his staff (bonk and poke for any sheep going the wrong way!) and keep them safe (lay a smack down with the rod). Why would a sheep be fearful of the shepherd? I’d think we should be more fearful of thieves and wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Ok, enough rambling for now. In summary…

Love your neighbor includes your pastor. Go encourage your pastor today.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)

== Edit 1.0 ==

gschool Please direct props to zendredi for sharing this cool pic. Calvin personifies the profoundness to be found in simple childhood.

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16 Responses to P.Y. & Boldness

  1. Hahacincin2 says:


    but i think the fear or intimidation possibly comes with the culture we’ve been raised up in?

    haha.. i work with this caucasian pastor at this chinese church doing administrative stuff…and he would tell me how some people would not call him by his first name when he told them he prefer it.   we’ve grown up with the idea that we have to maintain that level of respect.

    i remember even some girls i discipled, some could not put me on a friend level, i was always an older sister in college.  haha..even if it’s like 2-3 years apart.  but it’s all good, i like respect…muahaha.  partly kidding.

    but i notice the difference across cultures tho.  i’m not really intimidated by py or pastors in general..haha…i tend to enjoy getting to know older peeps/pastors =P.

    whoopsy..i wonder if it’s weird for pastors to receive random letters of encouragement ..haha.  they might be weirded out too.

  2. melbelle31 says:

    not yet.. still the beginning of the process.. and there’s to be two phone interviews then a home visit. **fingers crossed**

  3. franksabunch says:

    True True True.  We hold pastors to a higher standard–and we should–but at the same time they need prayer and encouragement also!

  4. RedRosesrr says:

    hahaha P.Y. has a xanga?!?!?! yes, he is a bit intimidating I think hahaha ;)…but yes, I think pastors esp. need a lot of encouragemen!!! *mutters under breath, if they deserve it* :p

  5. Hahacincin2 has a great point about culture differences and how that plays into the way we view pastors and others in positions of authorities. Also, the Bible says we should obey and respect those put in authority over us: parents, teachers, pastors, etc. So, in conclusion, I think that pastors are indeed human and fallable, and we do not fear them the same way we fear our perfect and mighty God. So, ha256, don’t sweat her comment about being bold. It’s probably from a cultural point of view and not a biblical. We are to be “bold” with all our brothers and sisters when it is warranted and done with love and humility.

  6. ocean_floor says:

    humm.. what’s the meaning of the dot on the comment??

  7. oneeyedking says:

    really?  i wouldn’t have mind the company :headbanger:

  8. Hahacincin2 says:

    ryc:  “sometimes… I wonder why Christians aren’t really “resting” on our Sabbath…”

    haha..um, thanks for the “encouraing” cryptic message that kinda bothers me honestly.  is it supposed to make me think or am i supposed to answer?


  9. A_S_LEE_P says:

    i remember when i first met and heard pastor young preach i was pretty intimidated and thought that i could never have a close relationship with him. thus i moved on to emmanuel. pastor paul was quite the opposite. but both give great messages.

    and ryc: hahaha. why? would it not be as good as a picture then? there are times when i dont have time to switch out my lens and/or zoom in or out to get the exact framing i want, but i know i can just crop it to how i really envisioned it and i just take the shot, so i dont miss the moment. i think many photographers do that. anyway, here is a screenshot of the original unedited shots. i took 3 in a row of that “scene.”

  10. knugget says:

    we think,…ok, so I think,…. that any pastor is intimidating purely from the fact that he can speak into my life and i will most likely become convicted and have to change something about myself inorder to be more in line with the life of Christ that we are supposed to lead; in all honesty, who really likes change? atleast that kind.  🙂

    ….by septmember i meant i will have a new roommie that doesn’t snore and i will be able to get some zzzz’s! 🙂
    and yes, you have met thuggy nuggy, only in pieces tho.  I haven’t let it go full throttle yet 😉  but waaaatch ouuuut! :headbanger:

  11. Hahacincin2 says:

    ryc:…hehe, sorry, i’m extra sensitive during my down moments =P.  but no excuses right?  that’s a part of me!  please forgive me =).

    anyways, i guess it felt like you were implying something?  if it’s a random comment, i spurred it by my post right?  who knows.  i will try not to read too much into it.  and i shouldnt be defensive if it is the truth =P.  but i guess at those moments, i’m not looking for truth, just some, “hey cin, press on!”…haha.

    ok, i prolly dont make sense =P.  i’m a sensitive gal .. =P.  that’s all.

  12. Hahacincin2 says:

    =)…i’m glad you don’t like to beat around the bush.  i’m not a big fan of when my friends do that….altho i know they know i’m sensitive.  but normally i tell them to just tell me straight out, it’s a lot easier to take then circles =P.

  13. knugget says:

    you’re right, pastor’s aren’t the only ones to speak into our lives, and God does do the convicting, but it’s harder to (sinfully) justify/pass by/overlook the conviction when the one who pointed it out is looking at your darting eyes and blushing and flustered face 😉

  14. zendredi says:

    thief! calvin is too cool…


  15. overjoy71 says:

    Bingo dude.. :juggle:

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