Wednesday November 6, 2002

~Counting your Blessings~

It’s much easier to count your blessings, right after they’ve been taken from you. You don’t know what you have, until you’ve lost it. Taking so much for granted. Such a lack of gratitude. God, am I forever going to fight against contentment, always want something more, when what I have is more than enough? Greedy selfish ungrateful… *sigh* I am my own worse enemy. There is no doubt of that. There is evil in my heart, my mind, in my body.

My prayer for today:
God… help. In Jesus name, Amen.

(Don’t wanna babble like a pagan, and God already knows what I need before I ask. So this prayer is short, simple, and to the point.)


For those who care to know, I’m sick as a dog today. There will be no mini-sermon or preaching, just some good old introspection. My sinus’s are stuffed, my grey matter is mush, coughing, sneezing, tired… enough moaning for today. Lacking in human contact… My social meter needs to be fed. Anyone got any quarters? :-p

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4 Responses to Wednesday November 6, 2002

  1. appleapple says:

    I hope you feel better 🙂 chicken noodle soup is good for ya 🙂

  2. HAL255 says:

    no quarters… how about 2 EProps?.. 🙂

  3. ha256 says:

    sleep, drugs and chicken soup… ~check~

    pah, what do eProps do for me? I just need to get out and socialize or something…
    *takes them anyway* ^__^

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