Thursday October 31, 2002

~Intimacy: Mental, Spiritual, & Physical~

I read a little pamphlet this morning since I had some spare time… It gave the following analogy to intimacy. Intimacy is like glue and people are like pieces of wood. When two people are drawn together and intimacy occurs, there is a bond formed. The strength of the bonds from physical intimacy are the strongest. The strength of the bonds of mental intimacy are weaker. When a relationship breaks up, the bond is broken. Anyone who’s glued two pieces of wood together know that the two pieces of wood will be forever changed by the bond that was between them. Splinters of each piece of wood will be lost when the bond is taken apart. So it is with physical intimacy. If you enter into a relationship and engage in physical intimacy and then the relationship ends, a piece of you will be broken. Hence the argument for marriage as a “Till death do us part” concept.
You want a better bond? Think about a bond that includes mental, spiritual, & physical intimacy. Yeah, marriage makes a whole lot more sense now… ^_^

~Replies to comments~

“What would god do if sumone’s fucking racist!”

God would continue to do what He has always done. Love them. God asks us to love our enemies. I think that ultimately, we are striving to become like God. God loves everyone. Everyone includes murderers, rapists, racists, stupid people, smart people, proud people… If something that your brother has done causes you to anger, then I think you should resolve it before it consumes you. Try to help the racist person see what they are doing… But don’t take my word on it, read the Word.
What God does and what humans do are two very different things… I think it would be worth your time to calm yourself and deal with the problem with a cool head. If what I have said doesn’t seem to answer your question, perhaps it would be better to ask God, personally in prayer. He would be much better answer this question than me.

“what is God’s purpose for marriage?”

I think it’s a covenant between two people. Till Death. That’s a very long time, so we need to give marriage due consideration before entering this covenant. For christians, I think it is better to be single, but for some of us, LUST is too strong a force, so marriage is a concession. (yeah, lust is strong, very strong)

“What is God’s purpose for the couple?”

They are to support and love each other. That’s the short and sweet answer. When you are single, you are accountable to mostly yourself. When you are married, you are accountable to yourself as well as your spouse. Couples move together, so if one side seeks God and the other side seeks pleasure, there will be an eventual break or lack of growth towards God. In other words, pick your partner carefully.

“Dorkkkk… haha… you afraid of tha ladiesss?”

Yes, especially the good looking ones. They scare me with sexual attraction… I am intimidated by them even when I don’t get intimidated by almost anything. So if I am shy around some ladies, you’ll know it’s just my reaction to someone who looks too good, if that’s possible…. ^_^;;

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3 Responses to Thursday October 31, 2002

  1. HeavenlyLove says:

    I did go out before the trick or treater invade my neighborhood…. hhehe you seem to have a lot of thoughts on your page,,, I enjoyed reading it..


  2. hey dorqous.. haha…. so thats why your not afraid to talk to me!! cuz Im UGLYYY hahahahhahaha =) hrm….. im bored…. man im commin to this page for 3 days in a row…. you owe me props.. dunch you think? my classs smalles bad… and marriage isnt a thing you gotta do… im gonna live by myslef for the rest of mah lyfe! hehe -_____—– hrm….

  3. gizzypooh says:

    Interesting post… But yah, I defintely look forward to marriage .

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