Monday October 21, 2002

(rant mode)

I feel horrible about the two state-commission job tests… They stomped me into the dust and left me for dead… at least that’s what it seems like to me. I still have faint hope that I may yet get a job from that source. My credit card balances are making my eyes pop out my head. I am definitely not in dynamic equilibrium… more going out than is comming in. Gotta stop going out… so more staying at home with the parental units… it’s enough to make a grown man cry… ok, maybe not quite that bad. This job search is depressing as usual, but I’ve gotta keep going, this bloody temp job has gotta go. “I’ve takes all I can take and I can’t takes no more…” My job leads keep putting me off and all my follow-ups don’t seem to do anything… *sigh* God, where do you want me to go? so tired… like I’m running on a hamster wheel and getting nowhere fast. Maybe this is a time to learn some patience… or to learn to listen to God…. I dunno…

(/rant mode)

No real complicated thoughts for today… Nothing quite like waking up and saying ~Good Morning God~



Thank you God, for friends. They are such a beautiful thing… dangerous… but then again, so many things have a double edge…

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2 Responses to Monday October 21, 2002

  1. gizzypooh says:

    I definitely agree that friends are a blessing! And yes, I also think we need to be wise in choosing our friends. It’s too easy to fall into the trap that all we need is friends, when all we truly need is a friend in Jesus.. the rest is just a gift

  2. good luck with your interview!

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