Saturday March 1, 2003

~ “Don’t Mislead” => Disclaimer ~

     My thoughts can be misleading… A friend brought this subject up while I was talking about another controversial post I felt I should put up. He referred to this passage:

“Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” 

— James 3:1-2 (NIV)–

     He interprets this to mean that I should not post on xanga about what I think or my interpretations. He brought up the point of misunderstanding, people can misunderstand what I say. And do I know “absolute” truth? People may misunderstand regardless of how perfectly worded something is, does that mean no one should teach?

     Then who is to say who can teach and who cannot? I don’t know the absolute truth, I am not God. But I still think I need to share, actually, I must share. It is true, I stumble, I am going to be wrong in some cases. I am imperfect. But I can point people in the right direction: God & Jesus.

     I am here to share, I am not a teacher. I accept that. I have never gone to theology classes or seminary. So ask me a hard theological question and I’ll go… “Huh? what did you say?” I acknowledge his point about teaching, it’s very important role… one should not go lightly into a teaching role. yes, HeavenlyLove, theknown, skluvjesus, HaHaCinCin, and all the other teachers out there that I missed, you guys & gals are important. ^_^ *chuckles* If those who teach, mislead those they are leading, then God will reveal that and judge you for it. *shivers*

     So after chewing this thought for awhile… I have decided to post a disclaimer: small print, at the top of my header… Sounds good? ^.^ (Yes, brothers and sisters, that is a request for feedback… )
Thank you, Father, for giving me something to think about. I live to please You. If this xanga sharing/ testimony/ thoughts is displeasing, You know what to do with it. Jesus taught all the time, I’d like to think that teaching would be following in his footsteps. Keep me always in Your Word and may You put the words in my mouth. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.

P.S. Until this disclaimer is up, I will postpone any new posts… Disclaimer first, posts later. ^_^ Until we meet again, brothers and sisters, may God keep you in his hands.

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9 Responses to Saturday March 1, 2003

  1. tinuviel says:

    maybe i’m wrong…but your posts have been such a blessing to me, and have applied so well to things i needed to hear…i don’t think God would be displeased with you for that.

    also, why would He have given you the urge to teach if He didn’t want you to follow it??

    maybe your friend is right and i am totally off-base…it is certainly possible…but the disclaimer sounds good to me…

  2. ChaSeiwBow says:

    You are a noble person. Keep it up, God will provide you what to post, if you ask.

    Your fearlessness is a motivation, even though i don’t even know u personally

  3. theknown says:

    you don’t need a disclaimer. it takes up my whole screen. that guy’s a dork. Jesus is the cornerstone – make sure He’s the stumbling block and you’re chill.

    teach by example. proverbs 26:9

  4. Vegito4 says:

    Gee… the guy needs to lighten up… We read people entries because we want to, not because they have to. If he/she doesn’t like it, he/she doesn’t have to read it. You don’t need a disclaimer; you’re not running any kind of business… Everything you write is pretty much your opinion anyway.

    The bible to me isn’t a written fact of event because there are so many version of it, so therefore some stories changes.  There is no way we could prove that this event exists. Some people categorize the bible as a myth (No offense intended)… I enjoy reading the stories and see what I can learn from it. I do not need the bible to tell me how to live my life… I give my heart to God through virtue and deeds I have learn and expressed/shared. It is what you learn and share to the world that will make you the better person. Being, it is with good intention of course. If you follow the bible, it is fine. It is only your opinion that you value to follow it. For me it’s just for the stories and seeing how I can better virtue and myself. God accept all of us for our flaws… God still wants us to have a “good soul.”

  5. kewlpuff says:

    hey!  i never took ur posts to be teachings of any sort, but a place for sharing ur thoughts – almost like online fellowship =)  i think it is good that you’re able to write them down b/c it is inspirational to many – certainly to me.  keep at it my brother – it is not up to us to make a judgement on you.  that right is reserved only for Him =)  *lotsa hugs*  hope u had an awesome sunday!  Praise Him!

  6. fantasyme says:

    as time goes by, ur xanga look more n more like a bible..more confusing, more complex…n what’s up wit droppin note n not eprops…so greedy ^_^

  7. imrealsleepy says:

    your thoughts, are your thoughts and there’s nothing wrong w/sharing them; you’re not claiming to know all the answers, but telling others what’s simply on your mind. to be honest, i enjoy reading your entries; they’re encouraging and thoughtful so keep em up ha256! hehe, typing “ha256” sounds so impersonal 😛

    2 eprops to say, “keep em coming”

  8. marialee says:

    yep, i agree people should lighten up.  especially since your xanga entries are your personal thoughts.. not for others to come dissect & spit up.  whatz up w/ the disclaimer?  who needs to read more fine print??

  9. I never thought of your entries as teachings… they are a great blessing & encrouagement.  You’re sharing your thoughts, testifying to what God’s doing in your life.  Disclaimer is a good idea, but just make it one sentence.  You don’t have to make it that long.  🙂

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