Thursday December 16, 2004

<More Randomness>

yet another reason to get married.

hahahahaha…God kills me… 😀

And for those who were too tired to read through my gigantic previous random post..

here’s something i got from her_eternity:

(a) first, recommend to me:
1. a movie
2. a book
3. a musical artist, song, or album
(b) i want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. ( I reserve the right to refuse to answer any question, of course… 😀 )
(c) then i want you to go to your journal; copy and paste this, allowing your friends to ask you anything. (muhahahha~)

</More Randomness>

Ok, I think we’ve had enough non-edifying material for now… back to slamming the Book. Zechariah 7 is up next in my Knighthood series. For any people who missed the post in the slurry of randomness…

Mindset of a Christian ( Knight: Serving the King – Part I )

Pray that God would speak to me through His Word and people’s hearts & minds would be open to God reaching out to them. May each one of us think about the reason for this season. About a gift beyond measure. About celebration and thanksgiving. In Jesus name, Amen.

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12 Responses to Thursday December 16, 2004

  1. RedRosesrr says:

    I heard that married men tend to live longer and married women tend to die younger, so perhaps YOU should get married and I’ll stay single ;)….

    The Family Man – hmm saw it :)….
    Charlotte’s Web – actually I THINK I read a LOOONg time ago
    Joe – I wanna know – MUH?

    Besides for dancing, what are your other hobbies? 0 crafts, Bible study (really!!!), hanging with friends, I’m too busy for my other hobbies :(…I like waaay too much stuff!!! 🙁
    Which character in the Bible do you feel the most affinity to? hmmm interesting… on ONE in particular, just different traits of different ones and depending on what you mean by affinity (I know what the word means) either most like in personality or strong like for the character in general….former:  some of Paul, some of Peter, sometimes Job, trying to be like Ruth later: of course Ruth!!! ;)…
    How would you answer the following question: “Why did God create Hell?” – he created it as a place for the angels who rebelled against him so that there is a place for sin to go because sin can not co-exist with God

  2. Hahacincin2 says:

    hehe..yeah i heard guys live longer too when they are married….since us women are made to take care of details, so less stress for men.  again, i can’t generalize =P.

    hey!  you said you might know someone that needs a place to live…  i might have a roommate from january-april.  if you know someone, either she can come live with me in april, or come live with us in january – just share a bedroom with me.  might be a little tight for 4 months.  but i think both (me and the other girl) may be gone a lot.  i will be working at my parents on weekends.  and the other girl is interning with jefferson hospital.  it’s a 2 bedroom apartment for $700 a month (includes utilities).  so it would be like $230 per person.  i’m a pretty simple person (dont have that much stuff), like to clean and kinda easy going..hehe. =P  thanks thanks!  what’s ur email address by the way?  haha.  might be easier than leaving so much text =P.

  3. Hahacincin2 says:

    hehe, i guess i had the right email address before =). 

  4. Gleefully says:

    how dare you stalk me bro? v. naughty. 😯

    I don’t buy the results of that marriage study, sorry. I’m single and I’m sure I’m healthier than a lot of my married friends, not to mention also in good shape. 😉

  5. Camp_freak says:

    lol…now im confused:eyeroll:


    i cant think of a movie r/n…

    book: Blessed Child, by Ted Dekker

    music: Relient K

    do you really live in south philly?

    how old r u? (i forgot)

    ummm….whats ur testimony?

    oh…one more thing…u might wanna change ur site backround…one of the guys in my comp class who knows mucho about comps and cartoons…said ur cartoon person represents somethin kinda bad… i dunno if its tru or not…but…yeah…

  6. rosewater617 says:

    Hi, Hon:
    I’m not a lurker or whatever you want to call me, and please don’t be a lurker on my site too! My computer is very slow now. It’s hard to leave a comment.

  7. rosewater617 says:

    Yes, freedom has been treating me really well!  In fact, I feel like back to myself again.


  8. cadency says:

    Two things:

    1) I wanted to thank you for your comments and your prayers. It’s seriously appreciated when something’s rough and posted on my journal and you comment with a prayer.

    2) I’m curious. Why did my last post leave your eyes spinning and your head hurting? (I think that’s how it went…)

    oh… and I read something the other day that said the mortality rate for single men is 250 times higher than that of married men. Single women is 50 times higher. As God put it, “it’s not good for man to be alone.”

  9. overjoy71 says:

    Hey Hon, don’t fall for that article brother. I would have thought that married man go bald faster too. lol . I was kidding.

    Blessing to you during the festival season, bro. Take Care..  :headbanger:

  10. cadency says:

    Strange question: but you’re a guy, right? When I first came across your xanga, I really thought you were a girl… and then I always forget which you are :p

    Also, have you read many philosophy textbooks? Some philosophical texts are nearly impossible to read because of the disorganization. That’s kind of more where I was coming from in the post, rather than the traditional english format. Thoughts scarely run in the pattern of an essay, anyway. Main point of it: What changes when we grow out of being children? Nothing. (Kind of defeats the purpose of growing up)

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