Sunday December 12, 2004

Fellow brothers and sisters… especially any that may go to GCC:

I know this guy named ____, we’ll call him, Allen. He wears glasses and is a quiet, non-descript sort. He’s not awfully fashionable, nor is he a great conversationalist. But I see him wandering around at GCC. Have you ever felt alone in a sea of people?

I try, but I am not a church. If we call ourselves His people, we must answer His calling. God is looking for those overlooked by others. Those seeking love should be able to find it in His house. If we are overflowing with love, then Allen shouldn’t have a problem. But I see him walking about during “fellowship” time and it looks like he’s starving for fellowship. I try to talk to him, but I turn my head and he’s gone. He’s done seeking this sunday.

Do we have eyes for the broken? for the outcast, the overlooked, those in need?

Forgive me, Lord. Help me try again, next sunday. Thanks. In Jesus name, Amen.

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13 Responses to Sunday December 12, 2004

  1. juiru says:

    i need to pray that same prayer.

  2. overjoy71 says:

    Praise God brother for people like you. So often we see only the people we want, our friends and the people that bless us. But what about those on the fringe? If no one bother to reach out to us, we too would be on the fringe. So praise God for your efforts. As Paul puts it so beautiful, we have all fallen short of His Glory and He still love us so much. Keep :headbanger: for the Lord, bro!

  3. Wint3rDr3ams says:

    Yes I have felt alone in a sea of people … many times. After a while I get used to it and I don’t realize it anymore.

  4. stonejewel says:

    Good call bro, hope ppl answer.

  5. Edesign says:

    THANKS for the link! nice pics!

  6. thats so true…its like the song “if we are the body”…its so hard to be like Christ in situations like that…but those are the most imprtant times to do it. i wish it were easier for me…and i wish other people would wake up and realize what it means to be a part of the body of Christ.

  7. HAL255 says:

    I felt it. During the days I was at Chinese Christian Church & Center. Albert got off lucky. He was not teased and made fun, then forgotten. Will I ever learn to forgive and forget? Who knows…

  8. all4myJesus says:

    Thanks for your prayers. They are MUCH coveted. God Bless you. Love you lots fellow warrior in Christ. d^_^b May the Lord bless you abundantly for taking the time to pray for me. Amen!!

  9. fgem says:

    can you please identify yourself 🙂
    you’ve been giving me eprops but i have no idea who you are.
    i would love to get to know you better,
    pastor david

  10. RedRosesrr says:

    ummm ha, is it the best idea to post his name?  Concerned for his anonyminity, although I 150% agree with the sentiments…I have been on both sides of the coin, so try to make sure I don’t ignore people…trying hard to set a good example for “my kids” :headshake:

  11. ha256 says:

    hmm… I understand your point sis, but it doesn’t seem to bring the idea across if I just said it was some dude…

    This dude has a name. If people know him and care about him, they know. No one else would…

  12. ha256 says:

    bleh, unclear conscience. Allen a.k.a. John Doe, it is.

  13. RedRosesrr says:

    hehehe you might want to change the 2nd mention of his name also, but yes, I understand your point, however, even if the point is 150% correct, would you want to be talked about? heheh I guess hence the unclear conscience comment… also, please let me know if I have gone far enough back, or if there is anything else you wanted me/thought I would comment on…

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