Friday December 3, 2004

 Feelings…. nothing more than… Feelings


Read anything lately that made your heart weep?

or make you want to show other’s God’s love for them?

maybe just smile

or chuckle

or a bit vengeful

Yea, I feel ya~

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6 Responses to Friday December 3, 2004

  1. yeah, please post the pics! mines probably hideous

    “deep” entry 🙂

  2. theknown says:

    thanks for the encouragement on the article ;).. yeah it’s pretty heady. i actually just submitted a paper from a class, w/ a few tweaks. have been getting some interesting responses via email, though.

    your blog has really changed a lot! gone are the days of hosea? hehehe.

  3. hey- have you read anything that made your heart weep?

  4. RedRosesrr says:

    Feelings can be deceptive (can’t remember the exact verse).  We should think with our heads, but at the same time, God did give them to us for a reason.  You’re first comment on the weeping one was halarious hahaha 😉

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