Tuesday December 7, 2004

==Getting Through To A Seeker==

I was struggling last Sunday to try and explain to a seeker of truth… What is heaven and hell? and why does it matter (to me) ?

Finally I came up with an analogy that I think will reach this seeker.

Before we can define heaven and hell properly, we need to give them a basis of understand about God. The only difference that I really want to emphasize about heaven and hell is God. I don’t know exactly life there will be like, I can’t even assume it is physical as opposed to spiritual… so I have to speak on what I do know. I know that God will be with us in heaven and God will be forever seperated from those in hell. So I’m challeged with trying to explain this in under 5 mins to someone trying to figure out this “Christian” thing and using big “Christian” words are just not going to cut it. So here’s my attempt to simplify Heaven, Hell and God/Jesus, so that any average 21st century joe/jane can understand. Dad forgive me, I know this could probably be better

Heaven is like “Happily Ever After”. I’m not talking about the movie, but that idea at the end of all those fairy tales. After all the fights have been fought, all the deeds have been done, and the helpless rescued… THAT place. You know what I’m talking about. After you’ve watched a romance movie or an action movie, there’s always that finally requited love… that ride off into the sunset.

Hell is like “The One Unrequited Love”. That road not taken. You’ve missed the last train, three-strikes-you’re-out, My Best Friend’s Wedding, and missing out on the best thing that could have ever happened to you. It requires you to understand what it is like to meet Mr/Ms Perfect and find that you had a chance to be with this person… AFTER all chance of this happening are now gone. We get a taste of Hell when someone dumps us, when our hearts feel the pain of those blues, when our heart aches and we think this ache will be forever.

God/Jesus is like Mr. Perfect or Ms. Perfect. Awesome. Good. Respectful. Loving. Caring. Overall, the coolest person you could ever wish to meet in your life time. Meet God and you will never, ever be the same again.

For all you bible lovers, here’s your hookup!

Isaiah 62:4-6
Matthew 9:14-16
John 3:28-30

Love and Peace and Joy, brothers and sisters!

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7 Responses to Tuesday December 7, 2004

  1. Thanks.

    Oh, and…interesting way of putting the gospel.  The only thing is that there are definitely some people who are quite cynical about “happily ever after’s”…the analogy might not work quite so well for them.  But definitely cool.

    Have a good day.


  2. overjoy71 says:

    Hey, you are right it could be better !!! {GOD} – Just kidding dude..  😆

    Praise God for people like you and the creativity He has put into you. I don’t think that God is too unhappy for you trying, we can only try bro.

  3. marialee says:

    not sure where it’s from..  sorry.  how do you like the book- “Jesus I Never Knew”?  think i read some of it but never got to finish it..  like i’ve done with other gazillion books.  =D

  4. wow, neat way of explaining heaven and hell… but how exactly would you make a hardcore atheist friend believe that???

    btw, i wanna see the pics… you said that you’d post them : P


  5. Very good analogy…. heck, I’m already a believer and it helped me! I’ve never known how to answer when someone (a non-believer) asks, “so you think I’m going to hell?” Now I do! Thanks 🙂

  6. RedRosesrr says:

    not bad not bad :)… I think I tend towards the metaphysical, but I realize most people tend to get bored with that stuff :(… ahh well :p

  7. twinstar79 says:

    :juggle: hey there.. wow.. cool smilies! “mary cooler than martha” – ???

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