Tuesday February 10, 2004

Where’s the WORD?

So I’ve been kinda busy lately. My weekends have been kinda packed visiting nearby buddies and seeing how old friends are doing, gotta make time for my family and stuff. You haven’t seen any bible quotes for a week cuz I’ve been typing up Jesus’ words for a little line of text on my xanga. If you drop by my site, you’ll see it up near the top in red… I’ve had Jesus’ words bouncing around in my skull from all the stuff I’ve typed in, which is a good side effect. It’s like my grey matter is drowning in God’s word… Anyway, I had a nice train of thought about sacrifice, resisting sin to the point of bloodshed, and possible a reference to paladins… but it has kinda faded out, so I don’t know if I’m going to try and retrive it from the back burner of my mind. I had a post planned for this week specifically for the single people who are getting beatdown by this holiday we call, Valentine’s Day. We’ll see. Maybe if people request one or the other, I’ll figure out which one to post. Anyway, Hope God’s working in your life as hard as He’s working in mine. God bless!

There’s a V-day singles get-together on Saturday. Pray that people will get to know you better. Pray this doesn’t turn out to be some sort of “hook-up” fest. ~wherever two or more gather in my name, I will be there~ ^_^

== Prayer ==

Father, my older-younger sister has been troubling me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to act or talk to her. Help me, Lord. My parents have gotten used to my reading Your word around the house, thank you, Lord. Even the stupid jokes are better than how it used to be… I pray that you will continue to work in our lives and mold us into shape, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

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9 Responses to Tuesday February 10, 2004

  1. Gleefully says:

    I was just thinking where you’ve been sammi. Hope you have fun this Sat. I’m still considering whether I should go do some charity work with kids this Sat at a museum. 🙂 Yeah, it’ll have to be singles like us who’ll have time for such things…

  2. … just wanna say amen to ur pr… keep being that light to ur family… Gman be with ya!

  3. paget says:

    A V-Day singles get together on Saturday..??..Have fun…!!??….Am planning to have a quiet one this Saturday…no date…no man in life at present….BUT…am going to do what I usually do every V-Day….book a seat at a cosy cafe with good tea and cake…and date God for the evening….i know that it sounds like a pretty strange thing to do….but…i figured that if God’s the number 1 love of your life…then….heck, why not…???…

    Also…I hope things get better with ur family…(pxi)…

  4. melbelle31 says:

    enjoy the party on saturday =) happy valentine’s day to u..

  5. So I like your text lines at the top of the page…very nice…

  6. That did sound like a response to a fortune cookie, didn’t it? 🙂  Nice…

  7. TheVoice says:


    “…At the time that God
    has already decided,
    he will send Jesus Christ
    back again.”
    (1Timothy 6:15)(CEV)-BibleGateway



  8. Gleefully says:

    now I’m curious… how tall are you sammi?

  9. paget says:

    Hello…ha256….just a short msg from me to say thanks for occasionally popping over to my site and dropping a couple of lines here and there…one of the messages you left kinda hit my heart: It’s alright. Things don’t have to get better with my family. Better if my family sees GOD and acknowledges Him !!……It made me think about my personal family situation…(parents who are Christians, but on the brink of divorce)…a bit of a heartache, but yeah…I agree with you completely….better if our families see GOD and acknowledge Him..   😛   ciao

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