Tuesday February 3, 2004

— Friends —

ET is moving to China to teach english. Watch over my friend… May you guide her and direct her on this overseas trip.
B & K are engaged…
SS is now SM. God bless their union and their move to Alaska.
FC is dating again. Open my friend’s eyes to love… and where it comes from.
LT & AC are re-learning the art of friendship. God bless friends that are closer than brothers.
I.L. is going on another business trip to Thailand. Keep him safe with all the new diseases and other scary stuff going on there.
D.P. is InteresteD in NM. God, if it is Your will, let it be so.
H & S are dating. Keep it centered upon you, Lord.
B is going through some tough times. Lord, Lead her through…
BH is giving a 2nd chance. Keep my friend close to your heart, Lord.
HL is seeking. Give him the faith to knock.
TV is doing well in AL. I pray that you will open his eyes and help him realize that he is not alone in a sea of people and that you are with him.
BC is like a sister to me. I pray that it will stay that way, unless it is your will.
EL just finished 4 yrs. Give her guidance in seeking a job and possibly more schooling.
JH is trying to handle a 40 hr workweek along with full-time classes and a girl. God with you… all things are possible. As You will, Lord.

So much going on… Lord, what’s cooking? What did you want me to do?

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15 Responses to Tuesday February 3, 2004

  1. Wangnation says:

    chuckles maybe God just wants you to be a man.  what are you after?  where are you going?  is God’s Will for you to seek after someone?  only you would know.

  2. The Pentecostal Church is a Protestant Christian denomination which grew out of the “holiness movement” which swept across various Christian communities early in the 20th century. There are two basic things which characterize Pentecostal churches and differentiate them from other Protestant groups: the first is the belief in a “Baptism of the Spirit” and the second is a belief in resultant charismata (“Gifts of the Spirit,” like speaking in tongues).

    LoL does that answer ur question??

  3. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of the Pentecostal church b4…..lol i don’t know a lot about it myself, being a baptist, but I will definately seize this opertunity to look into it for you. Basically to sum up what i know, it’s another christian denomination. Also in Acts 2 it talks about “pentecost”. Still, lemme check into it for you 😉

  4. Gleefully says:

    hey which part of Chn will ET be? If she needs help, I’ll be happy for her to contact me. What kinda consultant are you? And now I’m really curious, what IS your position re: travelling? 😉

  5. ok here is somethin else i got for this denonmination called “pentecostal”

    is derived from the story in Acts 2 when the apostles were visited by the Holy Spirit. Today, unusual practices like speaking in tongues, faith healing and ecstatic experiences are characteristic of Pentecostal services. Pentecostals are known as a denomination which focuses upon the importance of personal religious experiences rather than specific doctrines – indeed, there is little consensus among Pentecostals with regards to most Christian doctrines except those of “Baptism of the Spirit” and charismata (“Gifts of the Spirit,” like speaking in tongues). Early on they didn’t even want to form a new denomination – instead, they wanted to remain a part of their original churches.

    Now, for me, I believe in tongues because it speaks of it in the Bible. BUT, I know there are some churches who overexaggerate it. I will elabborate later if you would like me to. Thanks and have an awesome day.

  6. hey…not so much “God-smack,” I just didn’t feel well last night…

    I noticed your interesting comments above…as far as Pentecostal, I officially am one…and yes, we do believe in Salvation by faith in Jesus, and yes, we are concerned with correct doctrine, and no, we’re not a cult. 🙂  I promise.  Actually, if you want a comparison, our doctrine is a lot like Baptist doctrine, with a few minor differences related to healing, and yes, tongues, and a few other things.  But in the major things, it’s exact, and in most of the minor things, it’s pretty close.  (I’ve spent a good deal of time in the Baptist church as well, my own church didn’t have a youth group).  I personally belong to an Assemblies of God church…it’s pentecostal, and the big thing that A/G talks about a lot is believing the entire canonical Bible…if it’s in Genesis-Revelation, we believe it.  (We don’t subscribe to the Apocrypha though.)  So if that helps any…:)

  7. juiru says:

    You are a prayer warrior.  Your loved ones will be blessed through you.

  8. um… I thought I left a comment… but I guess it didn’t go through.

    No, I’m not getting married.  These two people who met at my home church are getting married.  🙂

  9. Gleefully says:

    in response to your comment, I hate to say this but I would like to read the book ‘purpose driven life’ before I comment on bduie’s views about the book, or more particularly the passages he picked out. If I’m not wrong, PDL is a devotional book is it not?  I just thought if this is the case, then bduie came across to me as being nitpicking in the way he criticized the book, esp if it’s not meant to be a theological/doctrinal text in the first place. 😉 this is my 2 cents worth for the time being… now let me figure out how I can get my hands on PDL.. 

  10. briethe says:

    hey, thanks for the advice.

    i will take some time tonight and pray for your friends, since you put them up there. 🙂

    hope everything is going well with you.


  11. Gleefully says:

    after thinking about bduie’s post last night, I have posted a comment on his site. Have a read and lemme know what you think. 😉

  12. There are some books that some people think are part of the Bible and others do not.  They are called the Apocrypha.  I don’t even remember all the names…there’s like 1 and 2 Maccabees and a whole bunch of other books that are not normally found from Genesis to Revelation.  In fact, most printed Bibles do not even contain these books.  Some do.  So, if that helps…

  13. Happens sometimes…

    Have a good day 🙂

  14. StirTheStars says:

    Hey just ran across your xanga and it makes me happy!  Stay salty my friend.

    Love in the Lord,


  15. ET…. in China… cool… props n’ prs 4 ET!! China rocks!!

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