Saturday January 24, 2004

God and Love… (This is a ramble. Consider yourself warned. ^_^)

Isn’t it strange how everyone can so easily believe in Love… but when you talk to them about God, they’re like… I dunno. Then again, maybe not. If you believe in Love, it doesn’t change you. But if you believe in God, you can’t help but be changed. You can’t sense either God or Love. can’t touch, see, taste, hear… Is cultural influence that strong? That we think love exists, just because there are all these songs about it?

If it’s popular, it must be true? If you read it in the paper, it must be correct?

I’ve been told that I’ve been brain-washed and taught to be close-minded. But who can really judge that? Is it just people are uncomfortable about Jesus and this is a ‘normal’ reaction?
Doesn’t brain-washed mean you can no longer think logically about something? That you cling to a belief… just because your mind refuses to let it go, even after all the logically proof?

Do we think out what we believe and live accordingly? or do we just live our lives the way we want and put together justifications for it later?

I know a God that is all about LOVE… He knows about sacrifice. And He wants the BEST for me. His constant companions are TRUTH, FAITH, HOPE, HOLINESS, and LOVE.
That is why I act the way I do. Why I keep fighting against the evil within my own heart… What is your answer to the darkness in your soul?

The place where every good Christian blurb should start… or return…
Christ. Jesus Christ.

If not for Him, everything is for moot. He is the foundation. If you don’t know Him yet, perhaps today would be a good day to go out of your way and meet Him. He won’t force you. But He will change you. And don’t say I didn’t warn you, but your life will never be the same.

just some good thoughts, dying to get out…
God bless! Happy New Years!

Father, I dedicate this day into your hands. I pray that everything is as you wish. Help me to do what is right, even when I don’t feel like it. Keep me on the path to life, running the race, and fighting the good fight. May you shine through me and help me to share the greatest gift with those around me. Thank you for another day to do your will. Search my heart, Lord. Purge the darkness. Heal the wounds that no one sees. Continue your good work in me… and let the people around me see, that which the eye misses. I pray all this in the one name where there is life, Jesus. Amen.

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14 Responses to Saturday January 24, 2004

  1. melbelle31 says:

    Gong Hey Fat Choy!! =)

  2. You’re so awesome!! Keep rockin huney!! Just to let ya know, you encourage me tons!!

  3. Gleefully says:

    I find that pp who tell u that u are brainwashed and closed-minded are often like that themselves, just that they can’t see it. 😉 if one makes an informed choice to receive JC as Saviour and Lord, then that person has done just that. No one can make a judgement like that unless they themselves have opened their ears and listened with an open heart and mind. 🙂

  4. It’s amazing what people… society believes.  I’m trying to get through A Case for Christ… and I’ve been thinking a lot lately about… belief.  I’m also retaking this introductory bio class (it’s the one about evolution)… so I’ve been reading and thinking about the evidence that backs evolution up.

    People believe when a higher authority tells them that it is true.  So many people who have not correctly been exposed to Christianity believe in evolution… not just evolution… but every bit of science.  I remember a couple years ago… one of my science profs made a disclaimer.  “These things I am teaching you… are theories.  They are not hard-core facts… because they can still, whole-heartedly be untrue.”  But these people… these scientists… they don’t always make this disclaimer.

    But… why is it so easy for people to believe something… but so hard for them to just believe that there is God?  haha I don’t know… really.  It’s the way the world works.

    I don’t know what I’m saying.  I just woke up like 10 minutes ago.  ANYWAY….

    Hopefully those people who choose to justify later, will realize their error in doing so….  I hope so… because there are some friends I know… who I so wish would just stop trying to please the secular world… and come back to God.


  5. gcriotgurl says:

    i think i like this site… gots lots of gooooood stuffs on it…
    …:::hearts and hershey’s:::…

  6. ….ooooh i just wanna be changed more and more…. sooo much more… blessings and props to ya!

  7. happy new year as well. :-*

  8. gcriotgurl says:

    hehe yeah i guess my site DOES comfuse sum ppl that have no clue what i’m talking about… maybe i’ll explain everything in my next post? 😉
    hehe until then have a wonderful life!
    …:::hearts and hershey’s:::…

  9. never heard of what guy?

  10. Um, okay… I’m an airhead or something.  I just typed the previous entry (like a second ago)… but I figured out what guy.  Sorry.  haha

  11. but I don’t want to be ‘God-smacked’ … hmm… but yeah then again I do… cause I want the change!!


  12. Gleefully says:

    hmm…lemme think about the role of faith in salvation a bit and then I’ll write a xanga entry about it. I think time for some edifying xanga entries for a change. 🙂

  13. aaaaah the religion/brain-washing issue.  i use to think this was the case but i’ve come to the conclusion that everyone should just live their life the way they want it to be.  My values led me to acknowledge religion but to not believe in it.  That doesn’t mean that I mock or degrade people should they have faith in things as such.  So I dunno..If some people find Jesus for the better then good for you.  For the others who don’t believe, I don’t see why I can’t enjoy the simple pleasures of happiness and enjoyment.

    Yeah, I usually cook a bad dish of Religion-speak so plz bear wit me! Oh yeah I’m full of hate.  I blame it on girls.

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