Saturday May 22, 2004

   The word of the LORD that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel: 
   When the LORD began to speak through Hosea, the LORD said to him, “Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the LORD .” So he married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son. 
   Then the LORD said to Hosea, “Call him Jezreel, because I will soon punish the house of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel, and I will put an end to the kingdom of Israel. In that day I will break Israel’s bow in the Valley of Jezreel.” Gomer conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. Then the LORD said to Hosea, “Call her Lo-Ruhamah, for I will no longer show love to the house of Israel, that I should at all forgive them. Yet I will show love to the house of Judah; and I will save them-not by bow, sword or battle, or by horses and horsemen, but by the LORD their God.”
   After she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, Gomer had another son. Then the LORD said, “Call him Lo-Ammi, for you are not my people, and I am not your God.
   “Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’ The people of Judah and the people of Israel will be reunited, and they will appoint one leader and will come up out of the land, for great will be the day of Jezreel.

— Hosea 1:1-11 (NIV) —

God’s Will and Man’s desire…

“adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness”

No man could possibly wish for a union of this sort…
We dream of the perfect “soulmate”. One in purpose and goals. A joining of mind, body and soul. Our children should be the joy of our lives, returning honor, love and respect as they grow up.

God says… I want to speak through you and I have some unresolved issues with the house of Israel. God tells Hosea to find himself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness. This feels so wrong, so unjust. So Hosea finds the adulterous woman, Gomer and marries her and promptly starts having children. Imagine what people would say when you introduce them to your children: Israel-will-be-broken, Israel-will-not-see-God’s-love, and Israel-is-disowned. And I thought my name was bad…

Reminds me of Christ… and his own tragic search for God’s will in His life. Being repaid evil for good, and hatred for love. I remember the garden where Jesus asks for this cup to be taken from him, but insists that God’s will be done regardless.

Sometimes, I find I need some reminders. God sees the need for this as well. We tend to be forgetful of our promises, forgetful of the love of God and how he cares for us. We sin and feel no remorse because we have hardened our hearts against God, we don’t see the harm and pain it causes, so we continue. Imagine if the loved ones in your life were named after the consequences of sin… “Hello Worry”, “Hey Envy, How’s it going?”, and “How’s school today, Proud?”

I see that God needs to be numero uno, #1, in my life and to do otherwise is setting myself up for some interesting consequences. God’s asking something along the lines of… “Who’s your daddy?” And in this case, God’s telling the people of Israel that whoever or whatever it may be, it certainly isn’t Him. God’s asking his people, “I loved you, took care of you, brought you through the desert, gave you food to eat and water to drink, and this is how you repay me?” Sin has a price and it’s not always the person sinning who pays the price… but sometimes the next generation.

But there is hope, our God is a God of hope. Those who have been disowned by God will be called ‘sons of the living God.’ No doubt, God’s talking about the Savior. The one who will come to bring God and man back together. The Lamb of God. Without flaw, without sin, to be sacrificed so that we might have life.

== Prayer ==

Dear father, thank you for your work in my life. It is really hard and I know I am not the most appreciative of the hardships you bring my way to help me grow. Continue your good work and help me to listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit within me. Save me from myself because I know that I have no enemy worse than I. Convict me of my sins, because I let become the ruin of me. Lead me to greener pastures and show me the lies I keep denying. I’m tired… Lord, may I find my rest in you. I also have some brothers and sisters to bring to your attention. Anna is having a tiresome journey right now. Perhaps she needs fellowship with some loving brothers and sister, or maybe just needs to make things right with her friend. I pray that you will keep her strong in you and doing what is right. J has been having a tough time, but it seems that things are easing up. I pray that you will give him wisdom and perseverance to keep studying and showing his dad the fruits of his hard work. BC is currently seeking to know you, Lord. May you open my friend’s eyes, so that those eyes might see you. Your love, your mercy, your justice, your wisdom, your redeemption of us. Continue working in the heart where no human sees, but You work and show your power. FK is in need of some fellowship, I pray that you might bring some brothers and sisters to make the journey easier and bring encouragement when all seems lost. Praise you for giving two of my very good friends, AB & BH jobs. In all things, including work, may you be glorified. AC is still in need of summer employment. I know AC doesn’t know you very well, but your love extends beyond just those who know and love you. May AC find the job that is well suited to help with “real life” experience and to help support school needs.  You are the Provider and I know that in Your time, all necessary things will be taken care of. Thanks for this wonderful day and night. I pray that You will continue to be Lord in my life and lead me always in the right way, even when I’m being stupid and a control-freak. Help me to shine and point the way to life, real. life. I pray all this in the name of the one who shed His blood for each one of us, Jesus. Amen.



Interesting thought:

God seems to answer my prayers most comically sometimes. (Comical, if someone else was reading about my life anyway…) I was really tired and washed out last weekend. My prayer at Emmanuel Chapel that week was for rest because I felt so tired and worn out. This week was WORSE!!! How then is this an answer to my prayer? I think if God’s talking to me through my situations, he’s saying something like… “If you thought you were tired last weekend… what do you think of this weekend? Son of mine, you don’t know tired… I’ll show you what it means to be tired and weary.” Yeah, so um God… if it would be ok, I think I’ve learned my lesson now, can I have my restful sleep and refreshing life back yet?

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15 Responses to Saturday May 22, 2004

  1. juiru says:

    i often do forget… i don’t say thanks enough…
    i needed this reminder.  i’ll be reading “redeeming love” real soon.. i’m excited.

  2. Gleefully says:

    I’ve been wondering ever since I read the book of Hosea whether it’s possible for God to tell me to marry someone I’m completely not attracted to, or undesirable in any sense of the word. Though you didn’t answer my question, I really enjoyed this post. thanks brother! :sunshine:

  3. Maybe a little of both…haven’t decided yet…:cheekygrin:


  4. RedRosesrr says:

    Hosea’s such an interesting book.  Great analysis, I’ve missed your sense of humor :)…see you soon!!! :)… don’t be a stranger

  5. Vegito4 says:

    RYC: “I consider love being an action”, hmm? most of us would consider “love” being an emotion, because it’s a feeling. The feeling does drive people to do thing, enhance performing an actions.

    Care to elaborate on what you mean when you “consider love being an action”?

  6. Vegito4 says:

    RYC: Yea, I kind of understand what you are saying. So to you, “love” falls in a boarder category such as “kindness”, “patient”, “envy”, etc… Oh! When thought of action, I thought it was a verb… such as walking, running, etc. Words of virtue are hard to describe. For example: Showing kindness, would be “giving” something to charity, and include a sense of “good” intent. There are many ways of expressing kindness, hence usually define with a “verb” with the associated with “good” intent. In this case, “love” is an action with a “good” intent behind it. Well, yes… If you are doing something out of your good will for another is a sign of love.

  7. Vegito4 says:

    “True love” in my opinion is when you love someone, and is truly bliss being with him/her; and you know that you two should belong together without any doubt.

    You heard people talk about “love”… Love last only for so long. You hear people going out and telling each other that they love one another. All of a sudden after a year, they break up. Even after the marriage people are bound to be devoice. “True love” last a lifetime, till death till they part. Both of you have faith in each other that both of you won’t cheat on each other. It also fall in the category of trust too… You trust and have faith on one another that the other person won’t betray the others love.

    I’m categorizing what “true love” is… It’s being together for the lifetime that they are on earth, and the bonds between them are not broken. I don’t think there is such a definition for what I’m describing.

  8. Vegito4 says:

    RYC: “What do you think about love not being self-seeking?” What? I don’t understand your question. Do you mean “Does love come to you when you’re not seeking love?”  Or “Is love worth seeking?” Or “can a person seek love?”

  9. elusiiv8 says:

    “Son of mine, you don’t know tired… I’ll show you what it means to be tired and weary.”

    Maybe you shouldn’t plan to go out so much during the weekend. Stay home like a good little boy. Funny how God works though.

  10. paget says:

    Ha, you wrote:  get that temple cleaned and cleared up for God! Jesus, It’s time to clean house~

    Do you mean, as in, deal with issues in my life, that sorta thang?  I think I’m a bit blur…and can’t decipher the non-verbals that would be associated with what you said.  ~ from blur gal.

  11. paget says:

    AHA!!!  [lightbulb switches on!] :sunshine::headbanger::wave:

  12. stonejewel says:

    I wonder if I would have the grace to forgive an adulturous husband and accept him back. Anyways, colliding worlds indeed and I’m learning to cope! Btw – I think it’s neat how you post your prayers for others on your blog.

  13. Fraychel76 says:

    Re: Your comment to Juiru about learning to pray with others – it’s not that hard – you just walk up to someone and say, “Can I pray with you!” – then God and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest. Often, it’s more our own shyness and reluctance to open up that keeps us from praying with others …

  14. Fraychel76 says:

    Although I don’t practice it, we should pray every day. I think Fran and I make time to pray together once a week … if it’s anyone we should be praying with, it’s those with whom we’re closest to.

  15. below_zero says:

    why did God create us and make us suffer? isnt’ that a bit ironic

    there are so many ‘gods’, who do we know is the real one?

    >> zero

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