Tuesday November 23, 2004

Father, I’ve always underestimated You. Thank you for restoration. I thought so many things and I was so wrong. Forgive me. One relationship was no more than miscommunication. The other, completely unexpected… an ambush of a restoration. You keep doing Your thing, don’t pay too much attention to my rambling. In My Shepherd’s name, Jesus. Amen.

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12 Responses to Tuesday November 23, 2004

  1. ChaSeiwBow says:

    the many times i’ve underestimated God too.. i feel ya

  2. pinkp0L0 says:

    is that like sailor moon in the bckgrnd?

  3. Do you know movies? You’ll Think again when you visit my site.

  4. :reader: keep in the word friend!!


  5. overjoy71 says:

    Yo HA256, bro all I can say is “Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God.”

    Keep on bro, sounds like you went through some miscommunication with the Big Guy. But as along as we keep saying :wave: to Him each day. Take care. :headbanger: (you know who)

  6. Camp_freak says:

    i guess what i meant by lust, is a lot of kids now-a-days, have very physical “relationships” (meaning that they are only in them because they are lusting after the other person and want to see what “benefits” they can get from the “relationship”) 😥

  7. his stretched arms were meant to hold those who accept his love..


  8. haha yeah i know him alright..he stole that list from me!! =)

  9. chinaman777 says:

    china is getting cheesier these days.

  10. Camp_freak says:

    i think i totally missed ur question and gave you the wrong answer…sorry.

    what i really meant to say was…

    people find “pleasure” in their moment of self gratification <(lust)

  11. RedRosesrr says:

    aww glad to hear God’s doing things in your life… and on the favoritism one…I think the situation you describe is less favoritism and more just loving your neighbor period… we’re all going to feel closer with some people than others, but are you judging them and showing favoritism based on things like money, etc.? or even just telling them they are less valuable? :p…hope that was clear… hehehe perhaps we’ll discuss sometime soon? 😉

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