Monday November 8, 2004


I’m feeling a bit neglected. Maybe just unbalanced. I’m feeling wronged. But you know what? I don’t want to get dragged down by all this. I mean when I get down to it, I could focus on how I’ve been wronged and all the ways I could “right” this wrong against me. I call this “righteous anger” mode. But what will come of it? Does it make me feel better for a little while? You bet it does! But in the long run, it will more likely cause a break in the relationship or at least make more separation between pals. I don’t want that. So instead, I’m going to choose to do what Jesus did. His disciples were dorks and confused and wronged Him plenty of times. I mean He was even betrayed by one of them (and He knew which one it was!). But He didn’t break those relationships. He chose to do good, even when He was wronged. I think we only need to look at the cross, where he asks forgiveness for those who crucified Him, to see that. There must be something to repaying good with good and also repaying evil with good. God didn’t raise no fool and you won’t see me calling Jesus that. Choose good, even when you are paying the price in blood, sweat and tears. A Christian cannot be a Christian without being well acquainted with his/her cross. We follow a God of love and all things good, His followers can do no less.

Father, help me to do good, no matter what the cost. Help me to forgive. Help me to restore relationships rather than break them. Thank you for continuing to work in me as I keep my eyes on You. I ask this in the name of the innocent one who was wronged for me, Jesus. Amen.

P.S. Yes, I’m still working on that post…

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17 Responses to Monday November 8, 2004

  1. twinstar79 says:

    hey.. your post is very encouraging… did you leave a comment on my site? can’t see it…

  2. iheartsarah says:

    If i could give you a 100 e-props..i would..because this post was was really good…

    Thank You, God for using this xanga to speak to me, Lord.

  3. ChaSeiwBow says:

    Jesus is reconciliation

  4. HAL255 says:

    Ohhh… nice background. Even got a cute anime girl.. *swoons*… ahem.. anyways… in my opinion, God gave us the choice to do things, He sets us free. Jesus chose to do the things that he does. If we all can do what Jesus did, then… oh wait.. this is reality, we simply can’t. Anyways, forgiving others is your own free choice. Do what your heart feels, it makes who you are.

  5. Exit39 says:

    Amen! 🙂  Have a great weekend! :wave:

  6. MissyMilosh says:

    hey…. i don’t know you..but i love your site!!!

  7. davidhong123 says:

    interesting new background-

    everything ok dude? how did your surgery go?

  8. overjoy71 says:

    That is a “stand-up” posting HA256. That is a good sign of growth and maturity. So many people run the other way and choose to exercise that freedom to anger, but it must be done with a purpose. Glad you choose to walk as our Lord did. :sunglasses: Stay cool dude… :headbanger: (my signature sign off)

    PS: love the manga background !

  9. kewlpuff says:

    hey bro, i kno it’s been forever since i’ve KIT!!  sorry abt that la!!!  how r u?  ugh… i’ve been dying from skool =(  i hope the Lord’s grace is still good to you =)  *hugz*

  10. Thanks for the Welcome Back comment. Feels good to be on here again. Lol.

    Regrading your post, very insightful. Good will always prevail Evil. A person that can forgive someone that has wronged them and keep a relationship with them is very noble. Most people would just feel threatened and just end it that relationship instead of forgiving. Receiving forgiveness is rare nowadays.

  11. :typing: I wonder if chrisitan ever get exhausted from ‘worshipping’…or doing things for God…?  And just want to take a week off just to do whatever and not think so much about what’s right and wrong for a week and just be……

    Is there a danger in that?

  12. do u work there or were u eating there?? Hehe..don’t be shy, my friends wont bite…really didn’t know u were there…out of it yesterday

  13. haha…REALLY SORRY!!! Yesterday was one of those days were things weren’t going right and things out of control. Actually it still is. Next time just hit me over the head XD

  14. ur gonna keep me hostage 4 how long????:cheekygrin::lol::confused2:

  15. Pureza says:

    :wave: Hi!

    Hi! I’ve read your comments in Sept’04 on Silvercord’s website and it led me to your site. 🙂

    I’m glad that I did drop by here because: WOW! I am so touched with what you’ve said.

    Like you, I am also walking with the Lord and what I have read here is very rare from a lot of people nowadays. You are full of fire for God and He is well pleased with you. 🙂

    God bless you :angel::sunglasses:

  16. And when is that gonna happen?:confused2: Bye Mr. Tour Guide. 😆

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