Sunday September 12, 2004

When 3 of your christian buddies notice one of your female friends and comments on her as a “possibility”…

what is one to think?

-= Edit =-

Make that 4.

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10 Responses to Sunday September 12, 2004

  1. Gleefully says:

    Pardon my French, but I usually tell pp such as your three friends to ‘bugger off’. :eyeroll:

  2. Vegito4 says:

    Well, depends? Does your friends have good intentions?
    These days, I find that it’s hard to meet someone beside going to clubs or bars. Most people would prefer meeting people through friends. You know your friends best… You should know their intention without having to ask.

  3. juiru says:

    what do you think?

  4. LatestgirI says:


  5. twinstar79 says:

    :headbanger: i would say you have some competition .. that is.. if you’re included in all this.. may the best man win.

  6. tinuviel says:

    a possibilty for them or for you?

    it makes rather a large difference, you know.

  7. bleuciel82 says:

    What is there to think?

  8. myshkin says:

    I think women are crazy.

    (looks around furtively)

    Or maybe I am.

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