Tuesday September 14, 2004

Tearing apart, a world without.

     Am I nothing more than my memories? a ball of feelings and thoughts, moving forward, but always looking back to the past? Is what you see and what science can detect and measure and experiment with, all that there is to me? Is there even a soul to sell? Have I no real purpose, the end result of nothing more than a random probability and evolution? From nothingness, a big bang. From an empty world, life sprouted. From probability and millions of years, for some unknown reason, we evolved to become something better. Somehow, evolution works against the natural effects of entropy and order comes out of chaos.
      Civilization, politness, good, evil, selfishness and hope slowly lose their meaning in a backdrop of evolution and science. From chaos, we have come, what scientist can justify the need to make order? To fight against entropy for no other reason than life itself strives against it? Why clean my room, if a messy room is the norm as opposed to the exception? Why deny yourself, if there is no real good nor evil? Who am I? Can I define myself?
      Feelings become a weakness. Love, an excuse. Morality, a stupid set of cultural rules to follow to make society “work” better. Who am I to care about society? Why shouldn’t the strong rule over the weak? If there is an advantage, what excuse do you have NOT to use it? This is a dog-eat-dog world, better to eat than be eaten. I will take what I can, where I can, whenever I can, stop me, IF you can. IT’s NOT Breaking the LAW, unless you get caught.
 And people wonder why life seems meaningless. Why nothing really seems to matter. Look at the world you perceive and tell me, where is the meaning? What is the purpose?

Who am I?

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14 Responses to Tuesday September 14, 2004

  1. bleuciel82 says:

     Many thoughts on your mind….?

    Are you questioning your beliefs?

    In my opinion–We (speaking generally, people as a whole) are result of our past experiences, beliefs and our dreams/ hopes for the future.

  2. davidhong123 says:

    while it may be preferable to eat than be eaten,
    it works both ways! why NOT do good works? why NOT serve others for the benefit of the whole?

    life DOES seem rather pointless but we might as well have a good time while we’re here.

  3. Vegito4 says:

    man, u’re F up… What so confusing?

  4. Gleefully says:

    With God, life is meaningless and I have no reason for existing. That’s the latest answer I’ve come up with in response to questions similar to those posed in your blog.

    Keep asking them questions and seeking them answers. Your faith will be strengthened afterwards.

  5. Gleefully says:

    ooopss.. I meant ‘without God’, not ‘with God’. What a big boo boo.

  6. RedRosesrr says:

    Definately, without God life is completely meaningless, but take heart, even Paul struggled with this.  If you need to talk, bro, you know where to find me!!! *hugs*

  7. xadonaix says:

    tho it’s hard at times, we must go against the grain of societal “norms”… learn to grab hold of the world’s view loosely and onto Christ all the more tightly.. press on!

  8. Mabeleaf says:

    lyz (houng) is living in the cardboard box with me. =p

  9. ha256 says:

    :wave: bleuciel.

    no guestbook. no entries. no chatbox. :headshake:

    I’m guessing you don’t want any replies.

  10. davidhong123 says:

    no, i feel that life is pointless – didn’t mean to imply that pleasure-seeking was the point :-)… not that there’s anything wrong with that! (for those who believe that is the whole point)

    while i think it’s pointless, i do not think it’s hopeless

  11. davidhong123 says:

    there’s always truth-
    and for those who may not be so enigmatic, there’s always a warm cup of tea.

  12. davidhong123 says:

    depends on your sense of taste i suppose~

  13. Perhaps it doesn’t matter. Perhaps the point is in the pointlessness.

    Regardless, you are still left with the task of making decisions. Will you make a different decision, about whatever lays before you, because you don’t see yourself as having a great all encompassing powerfull purpose? Are the actions you take affected by the presence (or lack thereof) of an Obi Wan Kenobi (sp?) standing by your ear, saying “It is your destiny…?”

    Really, your current reality, and the choices contained therin, are not in the least bit affected by your perception of either your purpose or the overall point of your (or my) existence. It is only the actions you take in response to them that is affected. What do you choose to do?

    Besides, you said anything was going to be explained to you, anyway? While I can’t claim to be Christian I do have an active spirituality – and I have yet to meet a god, by any name, that chooses to sit down and say “Hey, here’s the plan…”.

    Until you take an action, that is. Then you get to work with: “Well kid, here’s the consequences…”

    Just my thoughts/experience.

    Take it for waht you will.



  14. Yes, morality IS a cutlural thing. That’s basic anthropology. In fact, interpretation of ‘great’ and ‘universal’ literature is far from universal. The *reasons* for Hamlet’s troubles vary greatly depending on the culture reading/viewing the play (I could give an example of this, but it would be loooonnnggg).

    Mercy killings in the Middle East are ‘mandated by god’, here in the united States they are considered examples of murder and an abuse of women in general (I am greatly understating my own opinion on this practice…jut so you know).

    I was once told that “good=what works” and “bad=what does not work” and, basically, I would agree with this. Cultures build around what needs to be done to maintain peace and the survival of the people. ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ become extensions of that.

    Of course, one could take this basic theory and take it to all sorts of interesting extremes (both on the pro and con stances).

    Anyhow, that’s a really long post to your blog in response to the one you amde to mine.

    Are we going to continue this conversation via blog postings…?

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