Wednesday August 3, 2005

hmm… for you xangans yes, I’m still alive here.

Status update:

I haven’t posted anything in ages. I haven’t written anything besides sermons for quite awhile in my little book of thoughts. I haven’t done a personal bible study in over 2 months. Sleep schedule is screwy. Work is blah. Currently reading Isaiah in my mission to finish the entire Bible. Finally learning to take better control of my finances (yay for Quicken!). Plenty of ideas moving in my head, too bad none of it is coherent. Writer’s block? or maybe I just need to do a free thought writing exercise… anyway, hope you guys are doing well.

P.S. I’ve quit reading for awhile, seems I need to refocus again. We’ll see how things pan out.

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7 Responses to Wednesday August 3, 2005

  1. Vietbubble says:


    how are u?  yep, haven’t seen u for ages on here. 



  2. We all fall into ruts one time or another. But, make sure you get back up and start carrying your cross again. For nothing we do on this earth is in vain.

  3. myshkin says:

    I quit reading for a while too– turned out to be a good thing.

    Good to have you back

  4. Exit39 says:

    Yeah, Quicken is a useful program.  I use it to reconcile my accounts and watch my stock drop..hehe. 

    Welcome back bro!  It’s always great to hear from you! :sunglasses:

  5. imrealsleepy says:

    good luck 😉

  6. RedRosesrr says:

    be careful to keep Him first, or He’ll make you give up whatever’s competing for your time/attention, if you get my drift :(… *hugs*…hang in there bro!!! 🙂

  7. sound similar to me, well the problems your having though. OoOo…I’m reading the bibke too!! I think i was bored one night and was looking for a book to read before i go to sleep

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