Tuesday October 4, 2005

Ah, Treacherous Heart !


     Too many times, I’ve caught myself thinking about where I want to be. What I want to get. Who would be my brother. Even among all the blessings of friends, family, job, home, car, clothing, & food… I find myself dissatisfied. Immensely UNthankful. Where is the thankfulness for God’s provision in my life? What became of my praise of God’s faithness even in the face of my unfaithfulness?

     Maybe it’s not so surprising that men, with advantages in physical strength and logical thought have a chink in their armor… it’s called the heart. Beating a rival to a pulp or outsmarting your opponent comes so much easier than trying to handle someone crying…

     So remember, the next time you see a brother who seems to have it all together. Don’t believe it. Just because someone seems content with what this world has to offer, doesn’t mean they won’t take you up on God’s offer. Have faith in God, even in the most unreal moments. Who knows… God might have a surprise or two up his sleeve.

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9 Responses to Tuesday October 4, 2005

  1. yeah. i overthink/worry/complain/cry/whine/etc. about things too. it’s not hard to start think about my wants and needs rather than thanking god for what i already have.

    goodness. i don’t even think that that made any sense what so ever.

    gospel jam on the 22!. GO!

  2. HAL255 says:

    Hmmm.. not sure what’s going on, but best of luck to you man.

  3. JeeSukkie says:

    I’m very familiar with the faults of the United States, a country in which I lived for 20 years.

  4. RedRosesrr says:

    It is hard to be grateful.  Esp. us pessimists :(… this doesn’t sound like a happy post :(…let me know if you need to talk!!! 🙂

  5. RedRosesrr says:

    This Saturday at my house ;)…

  6. Exit39 says:

    Handling a situation where the heart is hurting really takes a lot of love.  We as brothers and sisters have a lot of love for each other, but even that is not enough to soothe the broken hearted..and all of us have hurts that cut deep.  Only Jesus can totally heal hearts, and He uses us to direct His light & love to save this world.  God has placed us in very unique circumstances hasn’t He?! 

    Yes, God has many surprises in store for you Hon.  You are special and I’m glad/happy/blessed to meet you!  Really. God bless you.  🙂

  7. oneeyedking says:

    aww.. but i’m guessing you can tell who i was quoting from.  hmm.. what a random post, huh? 🙂

    am i in your in-network?  😉

  8. xmsdork_Oo says:

    caught u on trackerr :]

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