A witness to love in action

Love isn’t something that we can view with the naked eye.

It requires us to put on the eyeglasses of faith, clean out the irritating particles of cynicism… and focus intently.

     It was during the GCC blood drive. I had just left with mish and as we were walking back to the car. I saw something interesting going on at the other end of the parking lot. There was a pair of figures scraping and chipping away at a mess in the parking lot. They were standing directly behind the GCC van (the white one… if you must know) and one was trying her best using a small collapsible plastic shovel while the other was… well, let’s just say going at it manually. They were trying to dig the van out from a packed-snow, semi-icy mess. Now your average plastic shovel can take on snow of the powdery sort quite easily, but it’s far less of a match against ice and firmly packed snow. Now, I’m not the most charitable of people. But I have to admit, I was impressed by their persistance and maybe a bit of me was rooting for the underdog. So I popped my trunk and lent them my rusty-heavy-duty-well-used shovel. They even returned it… nicely wrapped in a bag.

Bryn Mawr ladies, my hat goes off to you both.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:34-35 (NIV)

 :sing:  I’m traveling light.  :sing:
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