New Year’s Resolutions 2006 Edition

In this, the 2006th year of our Lord, I resolve to:

  1. Do 100 push-ups without stopping.
  2. Battle to annihilate sexual immorality
  3. Learn to love my big sister better
  4. Eliminate road rage
  5. Paint my bedroom
  6. Seek out godly influence in my life
  7. Start building/buying a house
  8. Taking care of siblings in Christ
  9. Learn & practice Shiatsu massage techniques
  10. Finish reading the Bible
  11. Learn to break dance
  12. Learn to handle little kids

I think some of these things are beyond my capabilities. Some have been nagging me for awhile. But my God is bigger than that. He is more powerful than I can imagine. If I can pray for it and persevere… He can do great things, regardless of my disbelief. I make promises that I cannot hope to fulfill in my own strength. I have faith and if I should step out, sink like a rock & look the fool, so be it. May Your will be done.

——- Online Tidbits ——-

Pray for Indonesia. It’s crazy over there.
Lords of file sharing bow down to RIAA?
Katrina has given birth… and it’s quite a big litter.
REFORM Stupid Immigration laws!!!
Hmm… religious right to exclude?
Pledge of Allegiance under fire…
ACLU assistance in appeal against ordinance drafted with assistance of ACLU?!?!
Hot Christian Girls…
The price of honor…
Chinese in U.S. Elementary schools
Sony lawsuit over “spyware” on CD’s
SUV Safety (overturning danger vs safety in size/weight)
Narnia squeezes past Kong
Bone of my bones… literally.


Random Access Memory:

Post a memory about me. A first impression. A weird moment. Something that comes to mind when you hear my name. Just wanted something to read when I come back. Yes, that includes those xanga wallflowers… you visit and visit and visit… and never post. This is your invitation to come out of the shadows.

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12 Responses to New Year’s Resolutions 2006 Edition

  1. Vietbubble says:

    hey, not a problem on toning down 1 color.  is it better, if not, please let me know so i can change it to read better.  don’t want to ruin any eyes in xanga now.  hehehe…

  2. Hahacincin2 says:

    haha..i’m a xanga wallflower =P!

    nice resolutions… =).  hmm, not to be “negative”, but #2 may be impossible in this lifetime of ours.  we may not be able to annihilate our impure desires, but we may flee from them =).  God tells us to stand firm against the devil, but flee/run from situations where we may fall =P.


    2 Timothy 222Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

     1 Corinthians 6: 18Flee from sexual immorality

    1 Corinthians 10:13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.  14Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.

  3. bleuciel82 says:

    =) I like #4 New Year resolution

  4. Anonymous says:

    thank you. Ill catch you another time if I create another site.  Blessings.

  5. first impression: nice guy. doesnt say much. still doesnt. but sure writes alot on xanga. visits other people’s sites w/o leaving a comment, just a mysterious eprop.

  6. Speaking of mysterious eprops, you must be the fastest draw in the west. Never seen anyone visit a site and leave an eprop so fast! I just posted my latest post 20 seconds ago!!! 😆

  7. RedRosesrr says:

    Learn & practice Shiatsu massage techniques – could you PLEASE PLEASE change that to Swedish? hahaha 🙂

    Interesting articles, here’s a smattering of responses:

    all very interesting

    The honor one made me run out and smack some people…don’t worry the urge has since passed :p

    HCS – hmmm bears some thinking, but I think moreso, Christian men need to learn how to control thier behavior in general

    the bones one was disgusting

  8. at first i thought you meant what I wrote…

    sorry but i don’t know how to change it’s size

  9. franksabunch says:

    Ah yes….God is definitely bigger and greater than anything in this world. 

  10. ocean_floor says:


    hahah.. yeah, I sniffed you.. :p sorry about that. But I got sniffed by so many people too. I didn’t know how to do that until yesterday.. I guess, you were kinda my guinea pig.. 😛 huhuh..

  11. i didn’t know that you have a big sister.

  12. overjoy71 says:

    Hey bro. Thanks for the encouragement.. Break dance?? Dude.. You are stretching yourself out.. That’s good. :headbanger:

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