Your 2 Cents

My next post is going to be on Love vs. Fear. 

So I’d like to ask my readers’ a favor. yes, you~

Post up about a time where God asked you to do something crazy. And what it took for you to conquer your fear and do it.

(Now crazy is different for different people… like asking a person who is afraid of heights to go climb up the side of a cliff or something.)


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12 Responses to Your 2 Cents

  1. oneeyedking says:

    what are you thinking about?

  2. chunsakilla says:

    there were a couple times when God asked me..
    what if i told u u would always be alone and never married, would u follow me then?
    what if i told u u wouldn’t be an md. would u still follow me? what abt if i wanted u to be a bum..?

    now, have faith.

    yea.. that was pretty crazy. 😯


  3. Exit39 says:

    Because of my love for my little brother, I followed close by him..crossing a bridge…from the underside!…yes, we were monkeys swinging from beam to beam…over 200 feet above ground.  I prayed to God that we wouldn’t get tired and lose our grips.  I really stuck close to my brother though …right behind him so just in case he became tired, I would grab a beam and lock onto him somehow.  Fear really hightened my metabolism heart was pumping …the adrenaline was flowing..

    ..all because of a crazy dare when we were little kids..

    Guess what?  God helped us along and I’m now here writing about it. 🙂   I’m praising God that’s for sure.  This is just one of many blessings that I’ve received in this life.  Somehow, I’m alive and have survived through the muck of my past.

  4. Exit39 says:

    Have I told you about my nightmares of falling into nothingness?  Waking up in a sweat just before impact? skydiving trips helped fix that..

    12,000 feet…

    60 seconds of freefall..’s quite the experience!  An experience of a lifetime…to open the sessna aircraft’s side door from 12K feet, look down, jump, ARCH, stablize your body, enjoy the freefall, pull the cord, and enjoy another experience of steering your chute down to a soft landing..

    ..well, a soft landing MOST of the time anyway!  I did fall on my butt one time heheheh! 😆

  5. Exit39 says:

    But really, when it comes to love vs. fear, there was this time when my little brother was just about to be attacked by two guys.  One of the guys pushed my bro to the ground as he was riding his bike.  I saw that and thought that somebody was really going to get hurt, and that would by my brother.  Two big boys picking on him made me overcome my fear and come between the attackers and my bro.  I dug up the courage to tell them to back off or else..   I went into my fighting stance (Wing Chun form) and one of the guys said to the other, “Let’s get him!!”.  The other guy though was afraid of me and backed off.  My brother was still on the ground at the time so I told him to run!!!  So he did..he ran while I stood there in front of both attackers ready to defend myself.  One of the guys looked at me and walked away kind of intimidated I believe.   …the other guy looked at me with a nasty look calling me a red neck…(I still don’t know where that term comes from)..and slowly followed his buddy.  I grabbed my brother’s bike and met my brother a few blocks away.

    I didn’t know where that courage came from that was in me.  I think that it was my love that I had for my brother that took precidence over fear though, and it didn’t matter if I got hurt, just as long as my brother was safe…that was all that really mattered.  Praise God again for giving me strength in the middle of a storm!

  6. Exit39 says:

    You know that all three of my previous comments was out of line.  I mean, it didn’t really relate to your original question about how God has asked us to do something and what it took for us to overcome fear and do it.  oops.  Oh well, you know a little bit more about my past anyway. 🙂

    I’m not a public speaker, but I spoke in front of a somewhat secular crowd during a relative’s funeral service…AND I preached the good news.  It all really came natural because it was a time when people had the opportunity to think about what happens after we die, and I knew the truth so I told it!  I really didn’t give any regard to what people thought about me.  I just wanted to encourage everyone of our Father’s deep love for each of us and that there is real hope in Him. 

    After the speech, I felt relieved and amazed that I did it…knowing that I’m a bit of a low-key type of a person and don’t really talk that well.  I think that God helped me speak and that is really amazing how He did that!

  7. Exit39 says:

    Are you tired of my postings yet?  :eyeroll: 😆

  8. Hahacincin2 says:

    ah… i just wrote a comment, but your site is weird… when i scroll down, the screen all meshes together =P.

    but here goes again, but a lot briefer… ryc:  haha..i gave the girls a talk too about entering the dodgeball field…they have to expect to get hit…that’s part of the fun of dodgeball =P.  but you know guys and girls are still made differently!  even at about 9, you can see how much faster and harder they throw compared to all the girls.  of course there are always some exceptions =P.

  9. meeshmash says:

    Really Hon.  i don’t know how i feel about these mouth-less faces of yours.  no wait, i do know.  i find them a little unsettling.  are you afraid to show me your true emotions?  well if you are– stop it.

    only half-kidding.  but i am a little paranoid– the thing doesn’t even have eyes  :eyeroll:

    anyway.  writing no-holds-barred brazen comments on your xanga site apparently leads to footprints from all over the world.  who do you know in mozambique?

    ryc:  :BlueFish:  HA!  interpret that, lui

  10. :neko:

    Yes we have a cat for about 9  months now, he’s a hunter, he caught 4 birds from the backyard and bring it in all the time.  Auttie named him Uh-Oh. 😉

  11. meeshmash says:

    at least it’s (allegedly) smiling :cheekygrin:

  12. marialee says:

    if i tell you i’d have to kill you.. =P jus joking.  it was a wager on who wrote emma.  i said jane austen & my brother said it was one of the bronte’s.  wager was only 10 buckaroos… i know, we’re such geeks.  but it was good to tease him since he’s the english major.  sucha evil sister..

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