Monday November 18, 2002

~Samson and Delilah~

Judges 13-16

     Samson was a very strong man. But all that super-human strength did him little good. In hindsight, we can see that he made some bad decisions in his life. He was greedy, full of anger, prideful, lustful, and it wasn’t until he made a big mistake and had to pay the consequences that he finally came back to God.

     This is a man that I identify with the most. For all the gifts I have, do me very little good. I choose to ignore God’s Word, and everytime I have turned my back, I discover how wrong I am. For each decision that goes against God’s guidance will have reprecussions. Greed and money can take over your life. A life lived without forgiveness in anger and constant retributions is barely worth living. And having a overinflated picture of yourself… yeah, I think we all know what that’s like. Lust… thinking with the wrong head. Yeah, lust can get you into some real trouble. Sex is like fire… play around with it, and you’ll more than likely get burned. I know this because I have been burned by both. But that’s another story.

     I think the moral of the story is this: “It is never too late to turn back to God.” Despite all the bad things you have done, or the evils in your heart. God still loves you. 
For all those Samson’s out there, there is still hope. Myself included. Thank God. Can I get an *~Amen~* to that? ^_^

That’s all for tonite folks, God bless and good night/morning/afternoon….

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