Friday November 15, 2002

~Yuck, don’t do that…~

Dumpster diving. Trash picker. My friends insist upon deterring me. Is there a particularly good reason that I should abstain? Anyone? I think lots of people disapprove. It’s not cool in the least (Duh~!). But besides for that. What holds you back? And for those who look down upon trash pickers / dumpster divers. Why?
Completely random thought pattern today. oh yeah…

Wonder how many of my friends would be like: “Ewww…. you picked up trash… I don’t know you…”

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6 Responses to Friday November 15, 2002

  1. bleuciel82 says:

    I’m a lil confused.  Do you mean if you find something on the sidewalk and picked it up? Or do you intentionally go trashpicking? 

  2. ha256 says:

    finding random stuff outside and intentional trashpicking…

  3. ChaSeiwBow says:

    On one hand you might find something usefull

    On the other hand, warts, clamidya, and fungi

  4. what is the extent of this dumpster diving?  like scouraging the bins for collectibles?  i used to be called  trash lady at one point…but that was only because some people dumped me into a trash can.  =/

  5. ewwwwwww ur a trash picker nerds rule!

  6. its a grl thing lol..have u ever heard of modd swings lol

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