Saturday December 25, 2004

HAPPY 2004th BIRTHDAY JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Sorry if I miscounted, and no, I can’t put that many candles on your b-day cake…)

J, you’re a mad old-head dude… way wiser than me. Love you to death*…
*actually, on second thought… I don’t think I’m there yet.

Oh yea… Merry Christmas to the rest of ya’ll… 😉
Edit: I tried to hit everyone’s xanga, but my subs are too much. I’m sorry. gotta sleep. 2.11 AM. Just cuz you didn’t get a merry christmas doesn’t mean I don’t got love for you… this boy just needs sleep.

-=HA256 Q&A session=-

   What types of music do you enjoy listening to?

I’ve been getting really hooked to contemporary christian music. I don’t really like hardcore rock, but I appreciate good lyrics and good beats. I used to listen to lots of sappy 80’s, but I’ve spread out alot since then to encompass alot of stuff. Pop; R&B; Hip-hop; Trance; Techno; Alternative; Rock; Soft Rock; Gospel; Chinese: Rap & Pop; Korean: Pop; Japanese: Anime Sndtrk, Rock, Pop; Classical; Blues; Jazz… etc.

I think it would be easier to just put what I don’t listen to. I prefer stuff with clean lyrics that doesn’t “dirty” your mind. For me, that means, generally I avoid American Rap (Too much trash-talking), and stuff with nasty lyrics: “Lick my Back”, “Orgasm Remix”, “Boom, Boom in your room…” ya’ll can fill in the blanks. Don’t get me wrong, sex is good, but gotta avoid twisting it all up…

   Do you like to cook?

uh… I’d have to say, no. I can cook and prep food pretty proficiently, but I don’t really enjoy it. But I do like baking. Cookies, cakes, bread, pizza, cheesecake…

   Who’s your favorite cartoon character of all time?

hmm… this is a toughie. Garfield resonates with me. So does Sinfest, but it’s a bit too twisted… But I think that I prefer cartoons that actually say something meaningful. So right now, it’s seems to be Calvin & Hobbes wins over Far Side. Ask me again another time, maybe I’ll have a different favorite then…

   How are you doing spiritually these days?

Doing pretty good. Missed church last week cuz I was lazy, sick… (fill in appropriate excuse) while up at the poconos last weekend. But me and G’man are alright. My friend J, straightened it all out. G’man has still be beating the living @#$ out of me, but that’s what it takes to get the sin out of me. So I think in that respect, things are going well. I still need to do another bible study on Zech 7. I’m a procrastinator… I know. But my mind is pretty well cleaned up lately. Less impurity is good.

   What do you like most about the church you’re going to?

When the pastor speaks, I have something to take home for the week and apply! I can actually take notes without losing my place. It’s good to have brothers and sisters who’re aiming for the same goals as you. 🙂

   When am I going to get to see you again?

I dunno. You told me that you don’t have space until next year. So if all else fails, we’ll meet again in heaven. We’ll catch up on old times eventually… 😀

   Do you really live in South Philly?

Yes. I really live in South Philly. Whatever happened to yes meaning yes and no meaning no?? Matter of fact, for all you stalkers, I live close to Pat’s & Geno’s. Anyone who knows anything about philly cheesesteak-dom should at least have heard of these places.

   How old are you?

25. Why do you ask?

   What’s your testimony?

I’m not sure I’m comfortable sharing that with you. I think my testimony is only for those in my inner circle. My testimony can only make an impact on people who really know me, personally, in real life. Sorry… 🙁

   How do I know you?

Uh… I don’t think we’re acquainted in real life. I think we just bumped into each other via Xanga…

   Why do you have a disclaimer on your page?

To make a long story short, someone made a comment to me that I could be misleading people by posting my thoughts on different “christian” subjects on my page. After mulling it over, I came up with the idea of a disclaimer. It’s really legalistic and I even had a lawyer friend read it. She gave me the thumbs up and so… voila, disclaimer! It’s the best I can do. If you come to my site and somehow expect perfect logic and perfect concepts/principles, you’re in the wrong place. I’m human. My disclaimer says so… 🙂

   Who do you like [music-wise]?

Lately… Newsboys, Rachel Lampa, Hillsongs, Chris Tomlin, Steven Curtis Chapman. 🙂

Dad. Thank you for the greatest gift of all. In Jesus name, Amen!

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17 Responses to Saturday December 25, 2004

  1. Exit39 says:

    :wave:  Merry CHRISTmas HA256!!  By the way, how did you come up with that name may I ask?   

    What types of music do you enjoy listening to?” — Christian music of many types.  Mostly contemporary worship lately though.  Stuff like Passion, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Bebo Norman, Hillsong, Vineyard, Parachute Band, Paul Baloche, etc..

    “Do you like to cook?”  — Yes, if I know the recipes.  If not, then I usually don’t make the time to make anything extravagant. 

    Who’s your favorite cartoon character of all time?”  — Green Lantern and how he uses his green power ring to fight evil.

    How are you doing spiritually these days?” — I have my bad days and my good ones.  I’m only human, but with the sight that God has given to all believers, I have much more good days than bad.  Praise God!  I’m being molded to His likeness and I’m trying to get out of His way.

    What do you like most about the church you’re going to?” –The congregation is very friendly and the staff has been a real blessing to me.  I love to attend church and to be at His service!

    When am I going to get to see you again? ” — If not in this realm, we’ll probably see each other as subjects of our King Jesus Christ.

    Do you really live in South Philly?” –nope.

    How old are you?” — in mind, body or both?

    What’s your testimony?” –I am a sinner that has been saved and now I walk with a new purpose..a new outlook on life.  Yes, Jesus has removed the blinds from my eyes and I’ll never be the same again!

    How do I know you?” — I think we’ve met via another brother’s blog…ozrick33…remember him?  It’s sad that he left us.  What a great encouraging brother he is.

    Why do you have a disclaimer on your page?” –nope.

    Who do you like [music-wise]?” –worshipy-praise music (see earlier comment)

    Thanks for all of your encouragement this year ha256.  Why does God keep blessing me through others like you?  Merry Christmas with my best wishes/prayers for 2005!  🙂  :wave:

  2. juiru says:

    🙂 merry CHRISTmas to you too!  emanuel!

  3. imrealsleepy says:

    merry jesus-mas 😀

    i hope you check out tim hughes as well…just came out with a new 2004 album. man, that guy is quite the sexy beast 😉 muahaha

  4. Gleefully says:

    delete those awful spams…… can’t stand those horrid comments.

    it’s good to read some v. interesting information about yourself. You are quite similar to my younger brother in terms of music taste. In any event, interesting. ;-):BlueFish::juggle:

  5. Exit39 says:

    You too aye?!  Yeah, just delete those spam messages.  That person needs a WHOPPING dose of JESUS!  I pray that this spammer would become submerged in His Spirit.  Open those eyes and start seeing the real world!

  6. ha256 says:

    I don’t need to delete these messages. That would be like sweeping a problem under the rug… I say that anyone who thinks otherwise, give this person something to think about this christmas. Hate sin, love the sinner… Love your enemies, baby!

    I’m gonna hit those 3 sites right now, feel free to join me. 🙂

  7. hmm… on second thought. Maybe a properly **edited version** might be good.


    Feel free to give this dude some love. all three of his xanga’s.


    Jesus bled for him too…

  8. stonejewel says:

    I would have asked you questions, but I was too lazy to answer them myself. Anyways, have yourself a Merry Xmas!!

  9. chinaman777 says:

    merry christmas to you too!!

  10. rosewater617 says:

    Hi, my computer is sooooo slow now. Anyway, have a blessing christmas too. Hope you got my email. ttyl

  11. Vegito4 says:

    I don’t really have a religion, and there for I don’t believe in Budda. Sure I make references to buddism a lot. What I gather from religion is a way to live life… through moral, value, and virtue from stories and quotes. What I like most about religion are the self-less deeds, we should do to help other people… As a society, this is what people should do for each other. Religion is what encourages these teaching…

    What I don’t like about religion are those blind followers who think that because they follow a certain God; they will be redeem at the end, just through belief. Such as suicide bombers… etc. That to me is scary… I’m not trying to say that believing in God is a bad thing. So far I have seen that the bible encourages good values. I also know that there are so call Christians whom present a bad rap to all the Christian out there; those people falls below society standard.

    I also have friends whom are Christian. Believe me, I think highly of them for what they do. They attend church every Sunday… What touch me most are their selfish acts, to give their services to other in needs. In this sense, their belief in god has bought out their kindness… This is what all religion should be… Not to tell people that because you don’t believe in this or that god, you will suffer for eternity in Hell.


  13. Except you know that Jesus wasn’t actually born on December 25 right, in fact, He wasn’t born in December at all….you think you’re devoted, but maybe you should really research what you believe.  Only a fool believes blindly out of ignorance.

  14. ha256 says:

    God uses the foolish to make fools of the wise…

    I think you’re missing the point WDTCM. Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birth… we can do that anytime, because Jesus stands for LIFE ! And who needs an excuse to celebrate LIFE ??

    P.S. You are right however, WDTCM, Jesus was most likely born around Sept or November. Congrats on knowing another piece of knowledge that rings like a cymbal. Speak true with love and you might actually hurt me. 😀

  15. P.S. WDTCM, you don’t happen to know go_wow_british1942, time_heroic_homosex_babylon673, or
    FLOODED_iraqi_black2446? do you?

    Have a blessed holiday season!

  16. RedRosesrr says:

    for my 3 questions (#s 3,4 and 5)



    –well, hello?!?!?! ;)…you’re supposed to book me at least 3 weeks in advance didn’t ya know? ;)…I meant what days do you have free early Jan.? Don’t want to miss you :)….

    and I like your list of musicians :)…me too!!! 😉 ahhh twiny twin twin

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