Everyday Grace…

This morning… I prayed again to stop my aggressive driving and it’s been getting better. But something made me laugh out loud. As I was driving this morning, something jumped out at me.

I started my car. Let it warm up a bit and then started driving. Now today is trash day. Usually it’s thursdays… except in the case of snow / holiday, in which case the day is pushed back 1 day. But anyway, I’m driving up to this intersection at a relative snail’s pace (15 mph) and this trashman hollers at me from the intersection. He yells: “Come on!”. That’s because, he’s stopped the trash truck at the intersection and he’s letting people past. So you can imagine… we have about 5 cars all ignoring the stop sign and I’m all the way near the tail of this line. So I hit the gas, coast through & make a lefthand turn. I glance in my rearview… and I see that he’s waving through the cars on the other part of the intersection.

I’m humbled. Seriously. This is a trash collector. And he has shown me much more grace as a driver than I have been aiming for in my own personal prayer. So I laugh at myself and my little goals. And I remember, God’s alot bigger than I can imagine. Bigger than any goal or obstacle… It’s ironic how I can forget such a simple thing. and it’s crazy, the ways God can remind me…


Sorry readers. I’ve been working on this monster of a topic and I just haven’t taken the time to finish it. Hence why the fluffy post up there… I have a good idea in my head on how to do it. I just need to take the time for it. The topic is Sexual Equality & the Word. If you have a spare second, please pray for me. It’s a pretty tough topic and I’ve been trying to piece something together for the past 3 weeks. bleh! Have a great weekend!

———— Online Tidbits ——————–

PBS can be edifying
That’s no camera…. Now, this, this is a camera.
That’s messed up.
Greenpeace vs Whalers (Ante up!)
Young girls trendsetters for english?!?!? Tell me it ain’t so!
Martyrdom & Reconciliation (Movie!)
Death by junk food… literally.
IT destressing? (Flash)
Bye-bye to 7th Heaven…
Sign-language intimidation…

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12 Responses to Everyday Grace…

  1. zendredi says:

    Ooh…sexuality equality. let the debates begin!



    i can do no justice to it in a short reply, so i would recommend reading…



    the greatest area of debate would be dividing the people into such nice clean groups and evidence for or against a universal christian pretribulation rapture. hope that makes sense…

  2. melbelle31 says:

    no silly.. someone gave me the link .. it’s from utube.. a lot of asian music videos and other misc. stuff

  3. onfyre4Him says:

    Praying for wisdom & discernment for you… tough topic!

  4. Every little victory only gives God more glory..even when it comes to driving in traffic 🙂

    I pray God gives you wisdom and discernment for this subject as well. The greatest wisdom I have ever recieved was from our Pastor who teaches us to live by 5 words…what does the bible say? So many people allow culture and secular worldly ideals to influence their beliefs. The bible is the standard by which we measure everything. God will show you the answers you need!

    God Bless

  5. ocean_floor says:

    hey, really appreciate your prayer… thanks a lot.. 🙂


  6. Hahaha..best things in life is the small things.

  7. RedRosesrr says:

    good luck on your post…here’s a tidbit for you :p growl… just make sure you dont’ talk about it too much with me or I’ll lose it :phttp://selectflash.nytimes.com/packages/html/opinion/20060122_KRISTOF_VIDEO/blocker.html?th&emc=th

    comments on your articles…

    -WHOAH 40,000 camara!?!?!?!

    – yes, unfortunately it IS messed up but quite common around the world…see link I left you and here me growl and roar!

    – GROAN on teenage girls

    -the guy’s son in that movie speaks at Creation most years…it’s a very very moving story!

    -hahaha on the IT thing, playing right now 🙂

    – that’s rididulous!!! ahh such evil in the hearts of all men/women despite handicaps aparently! :p

  8. kinnykin says:

    Hey man,
    I am stayin’ alive. :headbanger:

  9. it’s actually chicken gizzard and i’ve included it in my entry!  its not really asshole… just the name sounds like it in korean. =)

  10. You are right, I completely agree.  I forget to cover everything, I hope those who enter my page won’t get discourage, if they read your comment they will feel better.  I should edit it but I think your comment sums it up.  Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it, it open my eyes to the bigger spectrum.

  11. franksabunch says:

    Good luck on the topic!

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